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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

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  • gugy
    Sep 4, 07:45 PM
    Apple, Please!
    Just give me a Media Center where all my music, video and pictures are store.
    A place where I can connect all my Entertainment room devices, a place where I can connect my HDTV display, a place where I can download songs and eventually movies, a place where everything is connected and works beautifully. A place where I have an UI that is elegant and simple as the Ipod UI or Front Row.
    Something like a Mac Mini format or little larger would be great.
    That's is what is missing in the digital lifestyle IMHO.
    Apple bring it on!

    Ipod widescreen video, also will be very welcome!

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  • tekmoe
    Aug 29, 06:27 AM
    what time were the macbooks released earlier this year?

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  • milo
    Jul 17, 11:54 AM
    Adding a mid-sized tower would be a bad move for Apple. They tried this before and the Cube lasted less than a year. Yes, the Cube was Apple's mid-sized tower. Apple knows that a mid-sized tower would either cannibalize their other lines (iMac, Mini and Pro) or suffer the same fate as the Cube.

    The only reason the cube flopped was that it was horrible bang for buck. It was a great box, it just was about triple what it should have cost. The cube was extremely expensive, it cost almost as much as a tower. In this case we're talking about a box that would allow expandability for hundreds less than the "pro" towers. The same argument was used why apple would never ship a mini, and it was wrong then.

    And cannibalizing other lines doesn't matter, a mac sold is a mac sold. There's no reason a mid tower couldn't be as profitable as any other mac.

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  • Return to Dr. Seuss Thank You

  • wallock
    Sep 14, 01:14 PM
    All I have to say is....

    Encore of the John Legend performance will have the crowd going NUTS :rolleyes:

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  • Macnoviz
    Sep 19, 01:39 PM
    During the meanwhilst, any news from Amazon Unbox ?

    How well did they do?

    Because it's easy to throw numbers at us, but withouth any comparison, it doesn't really say that much (although it's probably very good)

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  • AML707
    Jul 14, 11:41 AM
    Ok, has anyone even stopped to think what graphic they will use on the heatsink cover. You know like the current PMs have "G5". Are they going to leave it blank? Maybe C2:cool: :confused:

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  • mcmadhatter
    Sep 12, 02:11 PM
    I hope Apple releases an iPod software update so those of us who already own 5th generation iPods can take advantage of all these new features.

    so do I, because I bought a game thinking it would work with my 5th generation ipod and it doesn't :(

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  • bjdku
    Aug 31, 01:49 PM
    I was thinking how they would be able to deliver movies of large sizes, and it seems to me if that they are going with full resolution feature length films, they will have to use BitTorrent, Quantum Streaming, or some other unknown method. If they do this right, this will be more innovating than iTunes/iPod legal music download. But will the customers buy.....

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  • kurtsayin
    Oct 27, 12:53 PM
    I'd guess because we now live in an era, often associated with the Bush era, where crushing all dissent is considered no biggie by a large section of the fear-controlled, TV-addled masses?

    Therefore any heavy handed, over the top, removal of protestors or dissenters is therefore viewed in relation to the current climate.

    Nothing wierd about that - historians talk about 'Victorian values' to denote a wide collection of social and political mores. People see the politics of fear, of removal of long-held liberties, planting fake new stories in the press, shouting down or restricting of dissent to be the defining characteristics of the 'Bush era'.

    "Crushing all dissent" except for right here in the Macrumors forums. The only free place left in our Fascist dictatorship country where we can't roam the streets after curfew and cellular phones and other internet resources have been shut down. Hail Macrumors for fighting the oppression and risking life and limb so other freedom fighters like "Jobsrules" can dissent against President Bush in the only venue still open after all other forms of protest ceased after the 2000 election...

    By the way, I am not sure if you've noticed or not, but their actually still are protests in the United States. It's a basic Right that hasn't been taken away under the Bush administration. We have freedom of the press, who largely dislike the President: e.i. Keith Olberman, Chris Matthews, George Stephanopolous, Wolf Blitzer...

    We have freedom of speech, albeit, apparently only here in the Macforums, we have freedom to 'peaceably' assemble, as stated in the Bill of Rights, freedom of religion, right to keep and bare arms... We don't have soldiers quartering in homes... we don't yet have to testify against ourselves in a court of law.

    I guess I'm at a loss for what rights we have actually lost under the Bush Presidency... Not to mention what on earth it has to do with Greenpeace have trouble agreeing and adhering to rules and standards of conduct.

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  • BRLawyer
    Sep 9, 04:35 PM
    Seems like the application developers could add a link to such a feature in their code so the user could just assign core volume in each application prefs that would tell the system what amount to assign to that process. Maybe even have the system do that automatically to all applicaiton preferences so the choice appears in all general preference panes of each application.

    Isn't that the same thing as assigning priorities to processes in OS X? Terminal or Developer Tools already do that, as well as several freeware apps...

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  • torbjoern
    Apr 25, 03:07 AM
    i thought this from my first post, but his join date is 08, and he's a regular. that is what has me thinking that what he is saying is really how he thinks/acts.
    I thought it from the first post too.

    We don't know how many accounts he registered here on MR in 08, and it doesn't really take that many postings to become a regular.

    thank you images clip art. thank you clip art kids.
  • thank you clip art kids.

  • tann
    Apr 22, 05:55 AM
    Sounds good if it's true! I wonder when they'll release it for me to use!

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  • twoodcc
    Sep 19, 10:55 PM
    well i must say that i'm very impressed with the success so far. maybe we'll start seeing more movies

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  • Dec images,thank you notes

  • davidw
    Apr 22, 11:45 AM
    Ooh, I wonder what the other upgrades will be. Macbook Airs are becoming really awesome notebooks. Hopefully it someday takes over the macbook. iPad <Macbook (Air) < Macbook Pro < iMac < Mac Pro

    That's what's going to happen, I'm sure of it. And I'm honestly kind of impressed that the MacBook Pro still doesn't give you an option to buy one without a DVD drive; I have a 2011 MBP and I swear, it doesn't get any use whatsoever. Apple's obsession with using every square millimeter of space on a portable device apparently ends when it comes to optical disk drives on MBPs.

    I'd much rather have additional battery life. QC i7s eat battery for breakfast, even Sandy Bridge.

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  • Minimum91
    Apr 11, 04:31 AM
    Is anyone here educated enough to explain to me how to compile and run this thing?

    I can't find a way to install avahi. Tried installing it via fink - no luck.
    MacPorts requires xcode, but I don't really want to install xcode. takes up a lot of space.
    Even though I know some things I'd still prefer if someone would make a step-by-step how-to for me.

    Thank you in advance.

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  • Deconstructing Clip Art

  • justflie
    Sep 13, 09:18 PM
    Is this really a page 1 item?
    The real news would be a release date, or an upcoming event.
    Still, I want one!
    agreed. I've come to the decision that whatever apple releases with regards to a phone-like object will probably knock my socks off. The question is WHEN?!?!@?#

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  • thank you clip art kids. more

  • hypmatize
    Mar 11, 03:56 AM
    I think the bottom line is don't download anything that you don't trust like on any other platform and 99% of the time you will be fine. Believe it or not all platforms are pretty safe as long as you use common sense.

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  • Hug a Nurse 1 Clip Art

  • Ugg
    Apr 10, 07:29 PM
    What's hard in the U.S. is that most people make a modest or poor salary--yet the culture is very materialistic and there is a lot of pressure to buy so many luxury goods and services. At least in third world countries, your friends aren't pressuring you to take extravagant vacations you can't afford or go out to expensive restaurants.

    You also need to add in the ball and chain that is suburban/exurban hell. Some people are chained to their five acres willingly, but many are chained to suburbia due to poor planning caused by cheap oil. The added expense of owning two or three vehicles and maintaining a suburban home on a suburban sized lot, means a lot less money for other things. People bought into the false promises of suburbia and are now paying the price.

    thank you images clip art. Thank you for reminding Mr.
  • Thank you for reminding Mr.

  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 25, 12:45 AM
    I personally love how I get the bad rap, when the woman was the one going under the speed limit and attempted to breakcheck me first. She got what was coming to her. Had she just had some common courtesy and moved over, nothing would of happened. Instead she decided that she had to play traffic cop.

    You people are all laughable.


    and you doing 20 mph over the limit was a good idea?
    A rarely if ever a good idea.
    2 you lack the experience to even know how to drive that much over the limit.

    3 fact that she had to go out of your way quickly tells me you really screwed up. I know if I saw someone flying up on me I might flash my brake lights (not slow down but flash them) to get them to slow down and back off. Force them to see me and people see brake lights they tend to slow down. I have gotten people like you to smoke their tires before. Mind you I was in the left lane. Had a semi truck to my right and I was going threw a pass. They come flying up on me and get on my bumper. I press my brakes just hard enough to cause the lights to come on but my speed stays the same. They smoke their tires and give me some breathing room. Works every time to get people to back off.

    Apr 30, 09:03 PM
    USB 3 is coming next year. The only reason Apple has yet to implement it is because Intel hasn't. But that will change in Ivy Bridge.

    Agreed. USB is on its last legs, for sure, but it will be around a little while longer before it fades away.

    When Intel supports it, Apple will, because it will cost essentially nothing for them to do so, and is backward compatible with previous USB devices.

    But, I don't think we'll be seeing a USB 4.


    Apr 30, 04:23 PM
    Curious that everyone is clamoring for a thunderbolt-enabled machine, but there isn't a single thunderbolt drive available on the market.

    I guess some people just need to feel like they have new stuff even if it's totally pointless.
    Most people keep their machines for at least a couple of years, so it makes sense to have TB built in. Many companies have announced that they are looking into TB, and not just for external storage. The possibilities of TB are much broader than that. Think of it as having PCIe on a cable. You could, for example, give your iMac USB3 support if a company decides to build an USB3 host with a Thunderbolt port. Same for eSATA etc...

    Of course not much can be done right now, but you have to start somewhere to overcome the chicken/egg-problem.

    We'll probably see broader support for TB when PCs based on Ivy Bridge are hitting the market next year (Intel has said to include TB support directly in the chipset). At that time, most of the people waiting here will still be using their mid-2011 iMacs for quite a few years to come.

    Besides abolishing the ability of your graphics card, there are other interesting features of the processor. The hardware giant has confirmed that Sandy Bridge was designed with an integrated content protection to prevent piracy of high-end digital quality.
    Just because the hardware supports it, it doesn't mean the software has to use it, especially in Apple's case. They even had seperate TPM chips built into the first Intel Macs and never actually used them for anything.

    1- Matte screen option (Isn't there an aftermarket for this?)
    No, there isn't. Putting an anti-glare film on a glass panel is NOT the same as a matte screen.

    That's why I keep saying look for a redesign this Fall, just before or just after Lion is released.
    What sense would it make for Apple to update the iMac twice in such a rapid succession? If anything, Apple's hardware cycles are getting even longer, mostly around 10-12 months in recent years. And at least from Intel, there will be nothing new to put into these machines by that date.

    Lion is going to be released about a month after the new iMac, so if the redesign somehow really coincides with the release, it will probably happen right now.

    Please keep USB 2.0 and Firewire for a couple more years.....
    I don't think you have to worry about that for a long time.
    In addition, we'll probably even get native USB3 in next year's models.

    What's the deal with people wanting the matte version? Anyone care to explain the reasoning behind it to a noob like myself? Thanks in advance
    If you have a window behind you or bad ceiling lights, the glass screen is almost unusable because of the reflections.
    Matte screens do not have this problem because they diffuse the light.

    Apr 20, 01:00 PM
    Still they store it and can access it - nobody except my touches my iPhone and my Laptop. I actually enjoyed looking at the map. Nobody can access it on they fly on the road.

    What's true for you, isn't true for everybody else.

    Sep 9, 07:58 PM
    No, not at all.

    An affinity mask sets the set of CPUs that can be scheduled. A job won't be run on another CPU, even if the assigned CPUs are at 100% and other idle CPUs are available.

    And that, by the way, is why setting affinity is usually a bad idea. Let the system dynamically schedule across all available resources -- or you might have some CPUs very busy, and others idle.

    Win2k3 also has "soft" affinity masks, which define a preferred set of CPUs. If all of the preferred CPUs are busy, and other CPUs are idle, then soft affinity allows the system to run the jobs on the idle CPUs - even though the idle CPUs aren't in the preferred affinity mask.

    But I am pretty sure the newest developer tools can cope with that, considering that multicore chips are a rather new thing in the mainstream market...

    Try the Processor Preferences app contained in the Apple CHUD tools, for instance...

    Mar 23, 04:25 PM
    I actually agree. Pull 'em. It may be censorship, but it's dangerous not to.

    Im in agreement with this.
    Remove them from the App Store.

    It might be illegal etc.. but we must draw the line somewhere.

    Pull them Apple. I'm honestly surprised they were allowed in the first place...

    Personally I find it hard to believe that so drunk as to warrant avoiding a checkpoint will be collected enough to use the app effectively in the first place.

    Do a poll macrumors.... Us 6 want them pulled Now!!... the others not quoted want them to stay on the App Store for no real good or beneficial reason

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