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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

the royal wedding invitation list

the royal wedding invitation list. The Royal Wedding Guest

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  • SilianRail
    Apr 22, 02:56 PM
    Thinking of getting this for my mom. The top of her needs are 1080p YouTube videos, will they run smoothly?

    the royal wedding invitation list. left off the royal wedding
  • left off the royal wedding

  • scott523
    Apr 22, 11:25 AM
    This might be a attractive buy for me. I hope it Kuo is right on track... now if he could just refine his iPhone 5 predictions..

    the royal wedding invitation list. Kate Middleton#39;s Royal Wedding
  • Kate Middleton#39;s Royal Wedding

  • manu chao
    Apr 11, 10:01 AM
    More like "click there to stream music to my mac which is connected to my sound system".

    Both financially and from a space and energy consumption point of view, an Apple TV or an Airport Express is a more efficient solution for this. Apple tends to support only the efficient and simple solutions, not the cumbersome ones.

    I think you got it completely wrong here. How is my WiFi router which was given to me for free by my internet provider a luxury?

    You know all well that the router is not free, you pay for through your monthly payments. The fact that your provider does not offer a cheaper service without such hardware freebies is just unfortunate. Would you be happy if Apple included a free Airport Express with all Macs (but naturally increased the price for the Mac)? There is nothing free, at least in the physical world (the digital world can be very close to free, see iOS apps).

    And of course Apple is getting greedy by not adding Airtunes to other wireless solutions they sell.

    So, how much do think Apple is asking for licensing their Airplay technology, I'd guess at most between $5-10.

    the royal wedding invitation list. The Royal Wedding guest list
  • The Royal Wedding guest list

  • mdntcallr
    Sep 10, 09:37 AM
    I'd like to see merom in MBP

    I'd really like to see the conroe, and conroe replacement in a mid sized tower/media center.

    something bigger and better than the mac mini, more powerful than the imac. no integrated display. good upgradability and of course.... priced between the imac and tower. accounting for NO display included, ie about same price as imac. or even a little less.

    the royal wedding invitation list. The guest list included
  • The guest list included

  • Silentwave
    Sep 10, 06:12 PM
    Maybe Steve will be using the new iChat Theater features of Leopard to do his keynote presentation ;)

    the royal wedding invitation list. The Royal Wedding Guest List
  • The Royal Wedding Guest List

  • Blue Fox
    Apr 22, 06:39 PM
    Its a little sad though, about the SB IGP :(

    Why? The Intel Integrated 3000 graphics outperform the current Nividia GeForce 320M's found in the current MacBook Airs and outgoing pre-gen MacBook Pro's. So why is an improvement sad?

    the royal wedding invitation list. The Royal Wedding guest list
  • The Royal Wedding guest list

  • adnoh
    Mar 22, 02:15 PM
    a quiet spec bump with no external changes sans thunderpants would not surprise me.

    the royal wedding invitation list. the royal wedding guest list
  • the royal wedding guest list

  • Reverendrun
    May 3, 10:44 AM
    I've just finish chatting with a person on the apple website. She told me that I can use the new imac (21 and 27") thunderbold input to use the imac as an external display. Only if it comes from a thunderbolt output (like an macbook pro for exemple).

    Huh, wonder if that means that they wouldn't work as external displays with my late 2008 MBP mini-display port.

    the royal wedding invitation list. The Royal Wedding Guest
  • The Royal Wedding Guest

  • kettle
    Oct 27, 01:47 PM
    Yes, they should just just shut-up and vote for corporate-sponsored Republicrats or Converalabour every four or five years and take it.

    It's a shame that there is no longer any meaningful democracy.

    I think that's pretty accurate (well observed) whichever side of this particular fence people are sitting.

    the royal wedding invitation list. The Royal Wedding Guest List
  • The Royal Wedding Guest List

  • oliversl
    Mar 29, 12:48 PM
    Regarding that news about Nokia not shipping Symbian in 2012, that means feature phones (80US$) will also be loaded with WP?

    Either way, Nokia is now the enemy. I used to love Nokia, so sad

    the royal wedding invitation list. royal wedding guest list
  • royal wedding guest list

  • jz1492
    Nov 13, 05:42 PM
    I don't see Apple as the client. After all, they didn't ask for the app. They didn't provide any kind of spec, or put out an RFP, or specify any guidelines as to what it should do. To me they are more of an unwanted kibbutzer looking over my shoulder. On more than one occasion I've had Apple reject updates that did things my customers really wanted, for dumb reasons (usually reasons that they could have asserted for the 20 updates I did prior to that point).

    It's no different than Walmart, Sears, PepBoys, etc choosing their suppliers from what becomes available and is proposed to them. Some of it is necessary and they look for it, like produce or clothes or spare parts, or when Apple courted some big software developers and seeded them with unreleased tools. But the majority is from suppliers courting the distributors.

    You may invent the next "green thing" and then what? Time to beat the path to the distributors, convince them and sign some thick contracts accepting every single condition they've put in place.

    It's not your store. They set the terms and conditions. Want to sell it by yourself in your own store? Sure you can, but most people would actually rather shop at Walmart. ;)

    the royal wedding invitation list. Royal wedding guest list
  • Royal wedding guest list

  • Agent Smith
    Oct 12, 05:39 PM
    Blah at Bonos new hair

    Hehe...yeah. PopMart called...they want their hair back. :p

    the royal wedding invitation list. the royal wedding guest list
  • the royal wedding guest list

  • Old Smuggler
    Sep 16, 12:02 PM
    if they are using off the shelf parts it sounds like its going to be like every other phone which blows

    the royal wedding invitation list. Royal Wedding Guest List
  • Royal Wedding Guest List

  • benthewraith
    Oct 27, 09:46 AM
    To quote the provocative and renowned philosopher Eric Cartman,

    �No, I hate hippies! All they do is talk about the environment and then they drive cars that get bad gas milage!�


    I lost all respect for that character when he fed Scott Tenorman's parents to him in chili.

    the royal wedding invitation list. Members of the British Royal
  • Members of the British Royal

  • cwt1nospam
    Jan 3, 08:09 AM
    Ummm.... Didn't most of the early iOS jail breaking methods target holes in OS. Sure more grey hat than black hat but risk is there to be aware of regardless of platform.
    That "risk" requires the active participation of the user. That's a huge difference from simply tricking them into clicking/tapping on something.

    In theory, your bank account is vulnerable to a hacker getting you to deliberately withdraw cash and give it to them, even though you know what they're trying to do. Is that a realistic possibility? It's not any less real than the same hacker getting you to deliberately jail break your iPhone so they can send you a virus.

    the royal wedding invitation list. Royal Wedding Guest List: Who
  • Royal Wedding Guest List: Who

  • wkhahn
    Oct 12, 02:32 PM
    I would love to have a red iPod, but I don't know why we would ever give money to help fight AIDS on a continent where the people take NO precautions to prevent themselves from getting AIDS... I mean, sure many children are born with it in Africa, but for soooo many adults, they could prevent the spread if they would just be monogamous.

    So there, I solved AIDS for free, no Oprah, no Bono, no Ipods. Just have sex only within a lifetime committed relationship and AIDS is all but gone in one generation!

    I'll stick to my black aluminum iPod nano, anyhow. I just hope 10% of the proceeds didn't go to research finding cures for the black plague... or frostbite...

    Thank you Captain Obvious. Next you'll tell me that water is generally wet. I'll bet you know people who have had sex outside a monogamous relationship, and you probably live outside of Africa. While you're solution, if put into perfect practice, would "solve" the problem, this solution is not even workable in more modern societies, much less those where the local healer has more credibility and less reliable information than the Doctors Without Borders or Peace Crops volunteers. Part of the problem with AIDS in Africa is the belief that men who have sex, whether consensual or not, with a virgin girl will cure themselves of AIDS. So of course the focus in on women and children. Treat and support the women, so they can help raise the children resulting from these unwanted sexual encounters,and educate the children, boys and girls alike, about the realities of the disease.

    the royal wedding invitation list. The Royal Wedding guest list
  • The Royal Wedding guest list

  • rtdunham
    Sep 12, 10:21 PM
    I do wish I could ultra-boost the audio on-board. Some of the video digitizations I have are too quiet.

    i felt the same way as i watched a podcast today. then my brother pointed out "itunes lets you set volume level for each item in itunes: select a song/podcast/whatever. right-click on the selected item and choose "options." set the volume adjustment at a higher level. that will keep the volume for that item higher." He says it was one of many useful tips he found in the Visual Guide to iTunes 6.

    the royal wedding invitation list. Royal Wedding Guest List
  • Royal Wedding Guest List

  • hsotnicam8002
    Mar 30, 11:37 AM
    Why don't Microsoft just call theirs the 'Crap Store' and have done with it? :D

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  • royal wedding guest list The

  • AppleScruff1
    Apr 4, 11:41 AM
    I've never seen a mall security guard carrying a gun.

    May 3, 10:21 AM
    Who has room for two external displays on a desk that already has a 27" iMac?! Dual outs on the MBP would make much more sense, although achieving it may be more of a technical challenge in terms of GPU power.

    ETA: Of course, having an external display connected directly and using the other ThunderBolt port for non-display ThunderBolt devices makes much sense, especially seeing as ThunderBolt devices can't be daisy-chained after a display. So I'm not saying the two ports don't make sense.

    Apr 28, 03:29 PM
    Apple "beats" Microsoft?
    But who has the strongest dad? :rolleyes:

    ROFL! I totally see what you're saying. Why can't people just avoid fanboyish behavior? Both companies make some great products. Both companies make bad products too. *shrugs*

    Sep 5, 10:44 AM
    Read on and be wowed:
    Darn! That article indeed wowed me. Not only what it says, but also (and that is a Good Thing�) the way it says it. The writing style really sucks you in the article. Of course, the products it 'promises' do help to raise the interest meter.

    But, all in all, really good article. :)

    May 3, 01:25 PM
    Heck, my new 2.2 i7 quad MacBook Pro beats every one of the last Mac Pro revisions. The Mac Pro line is more and more for a very specialized audience�those who need the utmost performance and expansion (2-3 video cards, an extra I/O card, 4x SSD drives for speed + space for high end production work...

    You are kidding right? MBP's Geekbench score is around 11k, where the top end Mac Pro's perform close to 30k, that's almost 3 times as powerful as the fastest MBP.

    24 threads > 8 threads. :)

    Jul 14, 01:52 PM
    while i agree with you general lineup i don't think the imac goes below 2ghz for marketing reasons.
    i also think the prices for the 2.33 and 2.66 are simply too high. the performance gain will not be that much over the one year old dual core g5's. so the price should go down.

    but in general i would be happy with any 4MB conroe model.

    in a few weeks we will know.

    Do we have benchmarks for Conroe vs. G5 yet? I haven't seen any but I would think that a 2.33ghz chip with more advanced architecture would out-perform a 2.0ghz chip with "old" architecture by enough to justify at least keeping the same price point.

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