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Monday, May 16, 2011

one dollar bill clip art

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  • spicyapple
    Sep 12, 02:08 PM
    80GB iPod seems like the only model with good value/price ratio. :D The home sync feature is an especially nice touch, something people predicted since the 2G iPods.

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  • erikh
    Sep 26, 07:58 AM
    did you read the article above?

    "Apple is still in talks with providers in other parts of the world on other exclusive deals"


    Well, the cell phone markets work in different ways in different parts of the world. While the standard in the US, and other parts of the Americas, is that phone and network follows each other closely (which is why you have a lot of provider-specific phone models, even for the supposedly provider-independent GSM phones), most of Europe has a very weak connection between individual phones and networks.

    Here, the most provider-specific you can go is to get a discounted (yet otherwise ordinary) phone if you sign up for a one-year subscription. Oh, and you may get your provider's GPRS/WAP/MMS settings pre-installed.

    So, it would really be a first if Apple would get "provider-exclusive" distribution deals throughout Europe. And that's not considering the fact that there is no single provider that covers all of Europe, so they would have to go through the troubles of signing different deals in each country. In my thinking, that leads to Apple either dropping the European market, postponing the release in Europe until they have saturated the US market, or just release it on the general market. After all, I believe most of the European cell phones that are available on the US market as provider exclusive are sold "openly" (under slightly different names and color schemes) back here in Europe.

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  • Skika
    Apr 25, 01:06 PM
    Wooo hooo i cant wait, allready have the money on the side.

    I was planning on getting a new Macbook in oktober when i start my courses, buy decided to wait because of this.

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  • Peace
    Aug 31, 04:44 PM
    Well if they do the announcement late on Monday 12 in Cupertino that will be Tuesday in Paris (time zone difference is +9) so will comply with the tradition LOL :rolleyes: :p :D

    Sept. 12th is a Tuesday in Cupertino.

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  • KeriJane
    Mar 19, 11:24 AM
    Hi munkery

    Thank you for the helpful link. It explained a lot.

    I was wondering why Linux and OSX are virus-resistant and the page you linked to explains it well.

    The old "market share" argument didn't make sense to me because:

    1- the fame associated with writing the first major Mac (or Linux) virus would be immense.

    2- there's at least some hatred of Apple out there amongst the technically proficient. (geeks). I've met such a person..... Very smart, very pro-Linux and if you mention you like Macs or own one.... BOOM! :eek:
    That guy and probably lots of others really, really hates Macs. If he could he'd take down Apple in an instant.

    3- if the conspiracy theories are true, the AV companies and/or Microsoft would love to shatter Apple's image of invulnerability to viruses. Even if they aren't actively trying to develop one, they wouldn't mind it if someone else did.

    Thanks to all for the insights,

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  • flopticalcube
    Apr 19, 11:00 PM
    No, I truly hate that place.. and all it stands for.

    Not you, the poster you were quoting was being sarcastic. I was drawing your attention to his sarcasism.

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  • mrkramer
    Apr 17, 02:13 AM
    why would I want to pay someone $17 an hour to a job a monkey is almost qualified to do? Sounds like an opportunity to hire less people, or jack my prices up. A job is worth simply what a job is worth. Period. If I'm trying to offer services at competitive prices, and someone is willing to bag groceries for $3 an hour, then they should be ALLOWED to. Rather than me just choose to hire nobody and using automated checkouts.

    What happens then? More people find jobs, and prices go down. $3 dollars suddenly buys you a subway sandwich. # of consumers goes up bc more people are employed, which brings in more revenue, causes more hiring etc.

    Also, people who do want to make $10 bucks an hour are forced to either be productive or learn something useful, which is good for everyone, plus that $10 is worth more now bc of deflation. Deflation would also drive interest rates on loans down bc the money you pay back is worth more.

    Best case scenario, taxes are low at this point, and the government isn't a handout machine, so people feel the need to donate to an EFFICIENT charity. Rather than to the government, which is the most inefficient entity on the planet.

    You do realize that one of the main reasons why the great depression was so bad was because Hoover was so worried about inflation that he caused deflation right? With deflation what you have is nobody is buying because if they wait then they can get something for cheaper and the economy suffers as a result. How many people do you think would buy iPhones if they new that next week there was going to be a price drop?

    US government regulations for increasing gas efficiency has resulted in car companies making vehicles lighter at rate beyond evolving the technology to maintain safety, which has resulted in an average of 10,000 avoidable deaths per year since the early 70's

    But hey, maybe that fraction of environmental impact we have that's causing that fraction of a global degree change might have been marginally altered. Maybe. And it's only cost us ~300,000 lives so far. Thank you government! Just tack that onto the millions you killed by restricting DDT use, and you can further brag about your death toll

    If you are going to make a claim like that you really should provide a source.

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  • LarryC
    Mar 23, 10:34 AM
    Call me spoiled by all things thin, I think the iMac is looking pretty chunky these days. Not sure why it isn't significantly thinner than it is. The next time they do update the form factor it should essentially look like a giant first gen iPad.

    That would be just fine if all you wanted was iPad performance.

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  • FriarNurgle
    Mar 29, 02:11 PM
    The only way that would happen would be for the phone to be GIVEN away at a price so LOW that nobody would refuse it. And it would have to include a data plan that costs practically nothing. And it would have to be contract free.

    Oh, look! There is an ad below this for HTC Aria� for just 1� - Free shipping - AT&T.

    That's kind of where I was going... but businesses would switch from Blackberrys to Windows Phones. I wouldn't put it past MS to offer some sort of crazy business discount to get companies to change.

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  • Yankee617
    Apr 20, 12:26 PM
    WOW this is a major privacy breach.

    With any cell phone (smart or otherwise) the telephone networks have been able to track your movements. All you need to do is to keep it turned on. Not much you can do about this, except hope they don't exercise that ability. Turning the device off frequently can help somewhat... they don't know where you've been (or where your device has been) when the device is turned off.

    So I'm going to buy an iPad (Wi-Fi only). I'll either turn it off or close the cover (putting it to sleep) when I'm not using it. I would like to see old location data automatically deleted and to have the option of not backing up location data.

    Does the MBP have anything similar inside? No reason why it couldn't.

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  • ickies
    Sep 14, 12:57 PM
    My prediction:

    Aperture 2.0 ($299)
    MacBook Pro:
    2 15" and 1 17" model with 2.16 and 2.33 GHz Merom

    Definiantly - I love it. Defiant + Definitely! I think you just coined a fantacular word!

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  • Chef Medeski
    Sep 12, 05:11 PM
    Kind of a huge gap, don'cha think? For an extra $100 I can nearly TRIPLE the capacity? Why would I even consider a 30 GB model?
    Or you could purchase a 8GB Nano for the same price which is less than 1/3 the capacity.

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  • HecubusPro
    Aug 31, 06:31 PM
    but itunes selling movie?! silly idea...

    Why is it silly? iTunes has proven that millions will pay to download music, videos, and TV shows. I don't see why people won't download movies as well, especially considering millions of others download movies, at questionable quality, illegally all the time.

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  • one dollar bill clip art.

  • Dagless
    Apr 11, 05:14 AM
    Lucky its not Sony. Those that exposed it would be in a never ending court case, and everyone's IP that visited macrumors would be subpoenaed by a federal judge.

    Not the same thing.

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  • one dollar bill clip art.

  • Dr.Gargoyle
    Sep 14, 09:07 AM
    May be Apple will give a silent upgrade to MBP before the special event just like they did with Mini and iMac before "Its Showtime"!
    What say?
    Perhaps, but the big question is:
    What is Apple releasing at Photokina?
    Aperture 2.0 - too little
    ACD - recently updated
    MBP/MB - at a Photo conference??? hardly.
    iPhone - again at photo conference??
    I dont have clue...

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  • mediasorcerer
    Apr 30, 06:12 PM
    When the hell are they gonna re-implement spaces !!@$%#^&(&)(#

    I need to be able to assign it to any corner I want !!!

    What the Hell is wrong with them !!!!!!! :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

    isnt spaces already available? i have it on my mbpro.each corner is assigned ,can u explain what u mean?im confused.its still in sys prefs.

    yes,i hope they put a good gpu in,i bet they will actually,imagine 2 gig ddr5 memory,they have finally come of age,or caught up so to speak,the last 27" imac i had was good,but the gpu let it down a little bit,

    exciting anyway,always is when they refresh isnt it,even if ur not buying one,its still exciting,oh no,now i need to save some cash up,lol.

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  • holycat
    Sep 14, 08:17 AM
    i am a mac-apple newbie~~~
    aperture 2!!!waiting for me...i m a photography lover...

    i have go through (youtube) a few previous keynote that brought by Steve...

    i have addicted with aPPLe

    cant wait my new 24' iMac n my new iPod..shuffle

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  • Macnoviz
    Oct 12, 02:32 PM
    No, not like that at all. That one hurts my eyes. I mean there's one on there that's like the one I commented on, but same color clickwheel. Like this:

    I don't know, it looks kinda pink, I would like to see it darker, blackisher (not Burgundy, mind you)

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  • ucfgrad93
    Apr 24, 11:56 PM
    Because I am going to. I'm a completely safe driver (even when doing 90 or above) until I run into some dunderhead who has to enforce the speed limit themselves. Had that woman just moved like everyone else did, I would have never had to cut her off in order to punish her. And yes I did have to punish her, because she needed to be taught her dang place on the road.


    Sure, your entire post just screams at what a safe driver you are. :rolleyes:I bet if your parents saw a post like this they would take away your car. You are a menace.

    EDIT: Saw your edit. If your mom is encouraging this type of behavior, neither one of you should be considered a safe driver.

    Sep 19, 05:24 PM
    That's revenue not profit, their profit was $5 billion in 2005 so $50M is about 1% of that, remember that the money from iTunes is practically all profit as their are no real costs for Disney (other than giving Apple a few video files which probably costs $100 000 a year maximum.)
    Yes, but from the original Article.

    In addition, Iger said the company expects over $50 million in revenue over the first year of the program.

    You're right that they probably make better margins on this revenue, but it ain't pure profit.


    Doctor Q
    Sep 15, 06:43 PM
    Just to further clarify -- NIH syndrome is when a company chooses not to use technologies invented by other companies in its own products. They prefer to design and build the entire package themselves, in-house.

    I'm not that interested in an iPhone. Apple would need to add some very unique features for me to consider buying one.What if it supported NuBus cards?

    OK, that was a (bad) joke, since I think NuBus was one of those Apple-only inventions from the past.

    But why would you NOT want Apple's phone, szark? Is is that you don't want a camera phone or music phone in the first place, or that you expect it to be priced too high? Without knowing more about it, how do we know it's not going to be at least as good as the phones we have now? Plus an Apple logo.

    Mar 30, 01:45 PM
    Agreed.... Macs had windows long before PC's had "Windows". I think that if one can be a trademark then the other surely can. Personally, I think that if there were no such precedence, then neither should be allowed as a trademark. But terms like this have been allowed as trademarks for quite some time. Microsoft should just drop it -- what is their vested interest here anyway? There are a thousand things they can call their application store.

    Microsoft's interest is obvious. They want to create marketplace confusion to aid in the sale of an inferior product. You know, the thing trademarks were designed to protect against..

    You say App Store, everyone on the planet who does nut have their head shoved up their backside only thinks of one thing. Before Apple made the App store, no one thought of anything at all when you said it...

    May 3, 12:57 PM
    One of the two guys there did immediately go to a computer and check the web site while the other went into the back to find out what information he could. He came back and reported that the old iMacs were due to be sent back to Apple today and that new iMacs were going to be arriving imminently, but he couldn't say whether that'd be today, tomorrow, or any particular day.

    Using the Apple Store app on my iPhone, it shows that I can reserve the old iMacs at the regular prices at this store. At a store on the other side of Pittsburgh, it also shows the old iMacs, but the prices are reduced $100-300.

    Ah, it's just been updated. It's now showing the reduced prices for the old iMacs at my local store as well. Still no sign of the new iMacs in the app for reserved pickup yet.

    That is interesting.

    Blue Fox
    Nov 14, 12:09 AM
    I'm not going to defend Apple because NO BODY on this forum knows the exact circumstances of the situation.

    I'm not going to defend Rogue Amoeba because NO BODY on this forum knows the exact circumstances of the situation.

    No body knows ****** about either side of the story, yet there are 5 pages of arguments between people saying they know exactly what happened because they read an article that had a quote by someone, and somehow that means that's EXACTLY what happened. Ignorance.

    But that's arguing on the internet for you. Pointless.

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