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Monday, May 16, 2011

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  • SuperCachetes
    Apr 10, 11:03 AM
    Government-mandated vacation??? Why, those socialists! The damn government can keep its filthy hands outta my- hey, wait a minute... Did you say 5 weeks? :p

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  • donlphi
    Sep 5, 04:49 PM
    isn't the resolution going to be terrible. I don't see these movie downloads working with a hi-def TV. The television shows are pretty pathetic on my old 42" panasonic. 320x240 is going to look terrible on a beautiful sony 1080p television...

    this whole idea sounds like a lose lose situation.

    You are going to be transfering these choppy looking movies, which will look great on the current ipod video, but lame as heck on a any screen larger than 5 inches.

    what's the point? Who wants to buy that? I'd rather rent a movie from netflix or if I really like it, buy the movie at best buy and rip it onto my hard drive, and drop it into my iPOD and watch it later.

    I hope there is more than just a new VCR or DVD player.

    How about an on demand service through the device, which lets you watch it for one price or copy a lower resolution version of it to your iPOD for another price.

    I don't know, but it seems like we are barking up the wrong tree.

    Bring on the new processors for the macbook pro!

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  • HecubusPro
    Sep 5, 02:28 PM
    I don't usually speculate, but I find it interesting "Showtime" is capitalized. Could the downloads be part of some partnership with the cable channel? Just wild speculation on my part.


    I doubt it, but you never know. "Showtime" as a phrase has been around a lot longer than the cable channel. But it definitely does emphasize this event as one that's centered around movies.

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  • KingCrimson
    Apr 22, 04:22 PM
    Right becuase the iPhone is a full laptop running OSX :rolleyes:

    Ask yourself why you would want a full OS-X device in that form factor. It's hardly genius, and that's why :apple: won't ever do it.

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  • ImNoSuperMan
    Sep 26, 08:04 AM
    What about India? I want me an iPhone!! :mad:

    And why the exclusive deal? Wouldn't that mean that Apple would sell LESS iPhone's? I can't see how an exclusive deal with Cingular/O2 benefits anyone other than Cingular/O2...

    i`d once bought an unlocked T-Mobile Sony T610 in India and it worked absolutely fine with all the GSM providers I tried. So in case even if this iPhone is exclusive to Cingular we`d still be able to get it to work here(fingers crossed).

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  • glis
    Apr 25, 02:04 PM
    The new Macbook Pro will be released in October/November 2011.

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  • mi5moav
    Oct 12, 04:19 PM
    I hope somehow apple creates forum software with spotlight search so as soon as I start typing something it searches through 500 pages of posts and on the right side of the screen will show similar comments, who posted it, and on what pages similar comments are/where posted.

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  • AppleScruff1
    Apr 28, 05:22 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_1_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7E18 Safari/528.16)

    $100B past Microsoft in 1 year is tremendous. Go AAPL!


    Sad day for dem boys in Redmond

    I'm sure they're quite sad having that kind of performance. :rolleyes:


    Do you feel better about yourself now?

    they both made billions... who cares.


    Congratulations to apple, eventually this day had to come. Microsoft has been slacking off in the past few years and this will make them see the larger picture.

    Sent from my iPhone

    What larger picture will they see? 90% of the market isn't enough?

    Microsoft is DEAD. And so is Google.


    It will be Chapter 11 any day now.

    In the quarter where Apple will still be selling alot of iPads? And release a new iMac? I highly doubt that would be enough. Let's not forget about Back to School either.

    Also, does anyone think Apple will soon be forced to bail Microsoft out? ;)

    Like Microsoft did for them back in the 90's?

    Microsoft lets too many things die on the vine. Everything has to be run up the flagpole to get the green light, and that whole process takes so long that nothing truly innovative ever happens.

    Windows 7 is awesome, Office 2010 is awesome, and I sure do love my Xbox 360, but right now, mobile gadgets sell. Zune was a bust, Courier looked amazing but was cancelled for some reason (I REALLY wanted a Courier), and Windows Phone 7.....jury's out. I would buy a Windows 7 phone before I'd buy an Android phone, but who knows what kind of lasting support it's going to have. Maybe when Nokia is making these in full force I'll take another look.

    I've been saying it for the last year, and I'll say it again--Microsoft is in a death spiral. The days of people camping out in line for the next version of Windows are over.

    Record profits and that's a death spiral? So it's all about the iTards camping out for the iPad and iPhone? Now THAT"S intelligence.

    "The problem with Microsoft is they just have no taste." - Steve Jobs

    Funny how the classless Jobs bashes his competition at every opportunity.

    Oh I see, you're a smart ass. Oh how cute!!!

    Tell ya what little boy, Besides a business degree I also hold CCE and CFCC from the AACE as well as a PMP from the PMI. On top of all that, I have worked in the industry for over 35 years. I forgot more about business that your sarcastic smart ass will ever know.

    And trust me, my degree and certs have little to do with it. A grade school kid knows that a company that just posted a quarter with revenues of $16.43 billion (which is an increase of 13% from the same period in 2010), and profit of $5.23 billion isn't "DEAD"...

    Obviously you don't understand that, in which case, you wouldn't even be a good clerk. Judging from you childish post, I do think I've met before. Haven't I heard you say "Would you like fries with that Sir"????


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  • jayducharme
    Mar 29, 11:13 AM
    Considering that, when the iPhone was first announced, Jobs stated he would be happy with a 1% share of the market, Apple isn't doing too badly. If MS gets their act together with the Windows phone, I can see it getting a larger share. I guess how big a share depends on how Apple and Google respond with their own innovations.

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  • CmdrLaForge
    Apr 23, 12:10 AM
    you're probably the guy that's mad that apple tv is not 1080p even though content isn't available. lol

    have you used airplay? it works awesome.

    That the content isn't available is purely Apples fault and btw - as I would like to use the Apple TV mainly for slideshows - the content is available.

    And yes, I want the Apple TV to support 1080p60. I have high hopes for the a5.

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  • DrFrankTM
    Sep 10, 05:19 AM
    If my memory serves me correctly Conroe will not be pin compatible with Merom, is that right? I just can't remember what's what anymore. Old age.

    As far as I know, the first generation Merom is pin-compatible with Yonah, the Core Duo mobile processor that is in the MacBook, MacBook Pro and Mac Mini at the moment. And if I'm not mistaken, Kentsfield will be pin-compatible with Conroe, which is not used in any Mac at the moment.

    EDIT: But no, Conroe and Merom are not pin-compatible.

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  • HecubusPro
    Aug 28, 04:10 PM
    And if people are really unwilling to wait a couple weeks, nothing is stopping them from buying the yonah models.

    Or if they want the simple satisfaction of having a C2D laptop on order, they can always pre-order one at Dell, HP, etc., then cancel that pre-order when the MBP C2D are announced. That way, in spirit, they can have a mac Core 2 Duo machine on pre-order right now. :)

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  • gerlitzappel
    Oct 27, 07:41 PM
    Just for the record, I hate greencepeace and everything they stand for.

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  • SeaFox
    Sep 16, 12:38 PM
    I don't like the sound of "off the shelf" parts. That sounds like Apple is going to rebrand an existing phone or place the guts of another company's phone in their casing.

    I'm don't want a piece-of-@#$% Motorola handset inside a nice brushed steel Apple form. Which is who I imagine they would partner with.

    If you're listening Apple, I'm interested in the iPhone. I buy my phones outright and I'm not interested in changing carriers (currently on T-Mobile). So you better sell it yourself and hardware unlocked.

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  • QuarterSwede
    Sep 16, 02:21 PM
    It's certainly why I haven't. I wouldn't say the U.S. is so much behind the rest of the world (although that is true) but keep in mind U.S. carriers are all about keeping people locked into contracts. It's much easier to get a phone and change providers in Europe because they don't do hardware locking to network and prepaid is more proliferant. You can get lots of these great phones (by the way, they do make 10 megapixel camera phones now) if you buy them online, paying retail prices.

    The problem is most U.S. consumers are cheap as far as I can tell, most will not pay at all for a phone and even few will pay more than $100. The carriers cannot afford to subsidize these phones because even with them partially covering the cost a consumer will be looking at an over $250 cost with a contract..

    The U.S. cell phone is behind other countries because the U.S. cell phone network is behind other countries. We're just now getting 3G out in most of the country but Japan has had it and two way video calls for years.

    If I could afford it and was willing to take the gamble of learning a new UI, I would get the Nokia N73. But it's hard to justify spending that much on a cell phone for me and I'm more familiar with Nokia series 40 phones.
    I hear you on that. Just check out DoCoMo's ( phones (Japanese).

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  • vartanarsen
    Apr 20, 10:31 AM
    Wait, my location services are off....and so is find my iphone.

    So Im not being tracked, right?

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  • slackpacker
    Apr 4, 12:38 PM
    Obey the law or you may get shot. Rule #1

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  • ChrisTX
    Apr 25, 06:49 PM
    i knew i should have held on a year longer :( i guess its ebay time in 6 months for my quad 17..

    Why? If you like your MacBook Pro, why the regrets if it is performing the tasks you want it to perform? I just purchased a quad 15" and I couldn't be happier. No need to upgrade or sell every time there is a refresh because technology moves so fast. Just be glad you have an awesome machine that will be awesome for years to come!

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  • dime21
    Apr 14, 12:39 PM
    Some PC ship with FW, but not many. It is considered a Mac only interface.

    That's because intel and the peecee vendors crippled it. Mac's all have normal firewire ports. Every peecee and windows laptop I've ever seen has the micro-firewire ports that are normally only for portable end devices like video cameras and camcorders. The micro ports do not provide bus power either!

    Imagine if they did that with USB, instead of putting the normal USB ports on your Dell or HP laptop, they put the micro USB ports like you find on a cell phone, and also took away the bus-power, so thumb drives wouldn't work, and any USB device would require an external A/C adapter. That would have completely destroyed USB as a technology and nobody would have used it. Well, that's *exactly* what they did to Firewire.

    Apple Shmapple
    Sep 12, 03:09 PM
    Looks like the iPods are still at 5G with some tweaks, which is weird considering they had a whole year. .

    That is the common sense reaction. You're seeing mac zealots here trying to trumpet how great these new iPods are.

    Updating a 4:3 screen with another 4:3 screen and claiming it's improved is like Yugo rereleasing their car and claiming it's improved because the gas cap is a different color. It's still a Yugo.

    Sep 5, 11:33 PM
    How big would a high quality feature length movie be?

    And no, I havn't read all 6 pages of the posts, so sorry if it's been discussed.

    Sep 13, 09:45 PM
    There are a lot of sound business reasons for Apple to release an iPhone. But the biggest reason is that Steve must have a cell phone and you know he probably hates the industrial design and functionality.

    I think that they were supposed to announce this in one of the "one more things" on the 12th and something happened at the last minute. Two items lead me to this conclusion.

    1. They never used a satellite link of the keynote to London(think Vodafone), which they mentioned before the keynote. Maybe it was just so London could watch. But then why not the folks at the Apple Expo in Paris.

    2. Is it just me, or did the "pre-announcement" of a product that has an "internal" name of iTV, which may or may not be the products real name, strike anyone else as very un-Apple like.

    You raise good points, but yesterday the big announcement was iTunes Movies. many people would be skeptical about downloading movies just a few bucks cheaper tahn you can Buy the dvd. So apple HAD to show that you could watch the downloaded movies on your TV somehow. Steve presented it correctly, the iTV was the missing link that made downloading movies via iTunes plausable.

    Sep 6, 08:03 AM
    Apple just posted new iMacs on their Canada webstore. Bigger brighter faster at 17, 20, and 24 inches with Core 2 Duo processors

    Yay for 24 inch iMacs! Yay for Core 2 Duo! :D

    May 3, 06:56 PM
    No matte antiglare screens on the new iMacs. If you need matte screens, there's something you can do - add your voice to 1,300+ petitions at Unlike personal emails to Apple - which Apple just ignore, asserting everyone loves glossy screens - make it count by adding to the online petition where your voice will remain visible on the net until Apple listens. Remember, adding your comment to transient news articles on the net is fine, but those articles go out of date in a few weeks, and also there is no long-term accumulation and consolidation of numbers, like there is at a petition site.

    I've seen you post this same post on every Mac site I've visited today. Here's the problem - those of us who read Mac sites are a tiny minority. Those of us who read the comments on Mac sites are an even tinier minority. We don't represent the vast majority of iMac customers. This petition, while I agree with your preference as I type this on a matte screen MBP, is not going to do anything. Apple won't read it, and even if they do, will not follow it. But good luck.

    new derrick rose shoes 2011 Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: admin