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Monday, May 9, 2011

lady gaga outfits 2011

lady gaga outfits 2011. The outfits Lady Gaga wears in

  • The outfits Lady Gaga wears in

  • BaldiMac
    Mar 22, 04:00 PM
    Oh FFS... Ok, yes, if we're being pedantic, I'll wait until I try both iOS 5 and the Playbook before deciding.

    :rolleyes: I wasn't being pedantic. You were the one calling for more rational conversation. I agree. And then you curse and belittle the first reply to your post.

    I think it's disingenuous to call iOS lagging compared to the Playbook OS when you know perfectly well that iOS will likely be updated around the same time as the Playbook release. It's been played out over and over again in these forums where a demo of an unreleased product is hailed as so much better than Apple's version that came out almost a year ago. Maybe it's just a pet peeve of mine.

    lady gaga outfits 2011. lady-gaga-outfit
  • lady-gaga-outfit

  • yadmonkey
    Apr 11, 04:15 PM
    My 3Gs contract ends in June and Apple will be pushing it's luck for me to go half a year without me being tempted to jump platforms instead of waiting for the iPhone 5.

    I wouldn't worry. I have an insider source who assures me Apple is basing its entire iPhone 5 product launch on when your contract ends. Here's a direct quote from Steve Jobs:

    "While the antenna issues forced us to accelerate our product cycle in favor of a redesign a year earlier than expected, and while the earthquake/tsunami disaster in Japan has added several of its own complications, rest assured that Apple will take every conceivable measure to ensure that the iPhone 5 ships at a time close to the end of mlmathews' 3Gs contract. We have been quite fortunate with the success of out iOS devices in recent years, but we're not about to start pushing our luck here."

    lady gaga outfits 2011. Lady Gaga Grammy Awards
  • Lady Gaga Grammy Awards

  • Jimmieboy
    Sep 19, 04:07 AM
    An update isn't going to make me go out and by a macbook or macbook pro. I'm waiting for leopard. Hopefully the updates (if any) will lower the price of the ibooks. I'm kinda interested in getting a new one for cheap. Anyway

    lady gaga outfits 2011. Lady Gaga was wearing?
  • Lady Gaga was wearing?

  • bibbz
    Jun 14, 06:19 PM


    You are doing all of us a great service here with this information.

    The salesman just called me from the store I was in today.

    He is telling me that there is no guarantee of the iPhone even
    if you get the pin -- but he admitted he was not certain. All he
    knew was that there was something like 9500 pins nationwide.

    Told him that I had just read your message and that you were
    saying if I got a PIN I have a guarantee of a phone.

    He warned me that Radio Shack does not want the word
    "guarantee" used.

    I am putting a lot of faith in what you are saying here.
    I will be at my Radio Shack store early tomorrow.


    No white phone?

    Can you verify bibbz?
    The info i stated is directly from my DM.

    We havent been told no white ones. I even asked specifically on the call, and no one had heard that.

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  • lady gaga costume 2011 8 Top

  • ~Shard~
    Jul 14, 02:32 PM
    My intention: to wait for 3Ghz+ Xeon, which sounds like it should only be a few months later. That's also time for a few little tweaks to be made if necessary, giving me something between a version A and version B machine.

    That's a really good plan. Wait a few months, let the bugs get ironed out of the new Intel PowerMacs, and then buy something for the same price with better technology.

    lady gaga outfits 2011. Iconic Lady Gaga costumes
  • Iconic Lady Gaga costumes

  • fatfish
    Aug 7, 09:35 PM
    Actually - that's the exact scenario Apple talked about. HD goes down and with TIme Machine you can get all your stuff back. It backs up the system, files, apps - everything. That's almost verbatim from Apple's mouth.

    I think the people who are complaining are likely using a notebook and don't permanently attach it to an external HD. I have to say I have little sympathy with this argument, if you run a notebook you need to have some back up system in place and should be prepared to regularly connect to either an external HD or a desktop.

    Personally I have a little script that ensures that when I have a wireless connection to my home network an automatic incremental back up to an external HD connected to my network is performed in the background.

    I did note some mention of a sync in respect of time machine, so hopefully X.5 will take care of occasional connections to an HD or desktop.

    Time machine however seems to have 2 functions, restoring deleted files and full back ups. Even if you don't have access to a desktop or external HD, Time Machine will still perform retreval of lost and deleted files within a functioning notebook.

    lady gaga outfits 2011. lady gaga outfits 2011,
  • lady gaga outfits 2011,

  • LightSpeed1
    Apr 6, 12:08 PM
    Looks as if I should hold off on getting an air now.

    lady gaga outfits 2011. LADY GAGA OUTFITS 2011

  • citizenzen
    Apr 28, 04:05 PM
    If liberals would stop 'crying wolf' ('claiming racism') at every corner, we might actually take them seriously and help out when there's actual evidence.

    Likewise, if conservatives would not turn a blind-eye to obviously something that is racially motivated, we might actually take them seriously.

    If there's not enough evidence that the birth certificate issue is racially motivated, then I can't imagine what it would require for something to meet standard.

    lady gaga outfits 2011. The outfits of Lady Gaga
  • The outfits of Lady Gaga

  • absynth
    Apr 11, 01:34 PM
    who cares about iphone 5, where's my white iphone4 dammit! :mad:

    lady gaga outfits 2011. Craziest Lady Gaga Outfits and
  • Craziest Lady Gaga Outfits and

  • Amazing Iceman
    Mar 31, 10:02 PM
    I've really loved my experience with Android so far. I've had an iPhone and a iPhone 3G and I am an iPhone developer.... yet I use Android.

    Android will always be "open source" and this is not inconsistent with Google applying more control to stem inoperable fragmentation. These two ideas are not at odds.

    I cannot wait for Google to do what I think Amazon is currently trying to do with their new App. Store.

    That said I really like the new iPad 2, but sadly my next purchase would prolly be a i7 MacBook Pro.

    Just a quick question, hopefully not out of topic:
    Which one do you prefer as a developer, not as a user: iOS or Android?

    Good choice about the MBP i7. It's been over 3 years since I got my MBP, and it's time to replace it, but I may get an i7 iMac instead, as I now carry my iPad everywhere.

    If a really good MBP comes out, I may reconsider and get one instead of the iMac. Too soon to decide.

    lady gaga outfits 2011. Lady Gaga. Lady GaGa is
  • Lady Gaga. Lady GaGa is

  • nsayer
    Apr 6, 10:37 AM
    For most people the ipad is more useful than the air anyway imo. Yes i owned an air, the ipad 1, and now the ipad 2 and the air was just a watered down macbook pro more than the ipad is a scaled up ipod touch

    Alas, there are some things that the curated app store will never be able to supply. Case in point: a pokerstars or fulltilt client. And if the ipad's Safari can't do java or flash or allow me to run the applications of my choosing, then it's not sufficiently open for my needs.

    lady gaga outfits 2011. Lady+gaga+outfits+2011
  • Lady+gaga+outfits+2011

  • lgutie20
    Apr 11, 11:57 AM
    I don't see why people understand from the WWDC invitation that there will be no iPhone 5 during the event and that they will only talk about software!

    WWDC is the biggest event and the only adequate platform to present the most popular Apple product! I don't see them changing their formula any time soon even if a software revolution is to take over WWDC.

    lady gaga outfits 2011. Picture of Lady GaGa Grammy
  • Picture of Lady GaGa Grammy

  • gorgeousninja
    Apr 20, 05:54 AM
    WRONG! They weren't invented at Apple's Cupertino HQ, they were invented back in Palo Alto (Xerox PARC).

    Secondly, your source is a pro-Apple website. Thats a problem right there.

    I'll give you a proper source, the NYTimes (, which wrote an article on Xerox vs Apple back in 1989, untarnished, in its raw form. Your 'source' was cherry picking data.

    Here is one excerpt.

    Then Apple CEO John Sculley stated:

    ^^ thats a GLARING admission, by the CEO of Apple, don't you think? Nevertheless, Xerox ended up losing that lawsuit, with some saying that by the time they filed that lawsuit it was too late. The lawsuit wasn't thrown out because they didn't have a strong case against Apple, but because of how the lawsuit was presented as is at the time.

    I'm not saying that Apple stole IP from Xerox, but what I am saying is that its quite disappointing to see Apple fanboys trying to distort the past into making it seem as though Apple created the first GUI, when that is CLEARLY not the case. The GUI had its roots in Xerox PARC. That, is a FACT.

    You're really pushing this aren't you? So what exactly is your point that has a significant relevance to the main topic? ...None, that's what.

    Just because 30 years ago Apple took an idea initially developed by Xerox, but then improved upon it and subsequently released to the mass market a product that most people acknowledge as being the first home computer, has absolutely no bearing on the fact that Samsung have blatantly copied Apple's design.

    lady gaga outfits 2011. Lady Gaga outfit consisted
  • Lady Gaga outfit consisted

  • Max on Macs
    Aug 5, 05:27 PM
    Well iSight or no, there needs to be an update anyway. The Mac Pro will have Front Row, and how will you control it by remote if you're meant to keep it under your desk? The new Cinema Displays need an IR "extender".

    Besides, I still think Apple WOULD love to include an iSight in their displays.
    Are you "meant" to keep it under your desk? Who says? I had my PowerMac on the desk until I sold it (I will be getting a Mac Pro and I hate to put it on my desk if it's meant to go under it!)

    lady gaga outfits 2011. Lady Gaga Outfits 2011 - Page
  • Lady Gaga Outfits 2011 - Page

  • deconai
    Aug 11, 12:16 PM
    I really don't put too much stock in what ThinkSecret has been saying. They've really missed the mark a lot lately as far as the redesigned Mac Pro casing and other things too numerous to mention. It's almost as if they'll just publish anything that even vaguely refers to Apple. The only thing ThinkSecret is good for is keeping up with Apple lawsuit against them.

    lady gaga outfits 2011. Lady Gaga Jesus Dress Me Up
  • Lady Gaga Jesus Dress Me Up

  • 4God
    Jul 27, 10:00 AM
    My credit card is melting just thinking about WWDC. :D

    lady gaga outfits 2011. Lady Gaga, Nicki Minaj and
  • Lady Gaga, Nicki Minaj and

  • Lord Blackadder
    Mar 22, 10:19 PM
    The U.N. Security Council perhaps, but not the entire assembly. It would have been interesting to open that issue up to debate and seen how all the members would have voted.

    The security council, not the general assembly, is the organ tasked with authorizing UN military action. The point of the security council is to enable the UN to make rapid strategic decisions without a general debate. It's an imperfect system to be sure, but I don't think requiring a full debate in the general assembly would be an efficient way to respond to this sort of situation.

    What I always wonder is what diplomatic efforts were used to pressure Qaddafi? There were no (as far as I know) threats of economic embargoes, freezing of assets, or other less violent methods to coerce Qaddafi. We didn't need to convince him to step dow. We simply needed to convince him that he needed to tone down, defend himself against the armed insurrection, but not cast a wider and violent campaign against innocent civilians.

    We could have responded simply with economic sanctions.

    Based on Gaddafi's treatment of the initial protests (not to mention his tendencies over 40 years of autocratic rule), I strongly question whether economic sanctions are going to apply sufficient pressure to Gaddafi to relinquish power. Like Mubarak, he is a political strongman who is not easily cowed by threats.

    I need a clearer demonstration that serious steps were taken before resorting to war. War should be used as the last resort and only when it's clear that all other options have failed.

    I agree that war should be considered a last resort. I also think that the US government is generally too quick to undertake armed intervention. But in this case we took sides in a war that was already in progress. The UN's choices were either non-intervention, non-military intervention, or direct military intervention in some form.

    I suppose the point at which "all other options have failed" is a debatable one, since everyone has different opinions on what constitutes a valid option. There are many questions without simple answers. How do we judge failure? Is the purpose of the intervention (military or otherwise) to aid the rebels? Or is it merely to prevent Gaddafi killing civilians? If the latter is the case, does allowing him to remain in power serve that cause? If not, what should we do about it?

    At the bottom of all this though, the goal of current foreign intervention (military or otherwise) is clear to me - to remove Gaddafi from power and recognize the rebel transitional government as the legitimate government of Libya.

    lady gaga outfits 2011. LADY GAGA EGG Grammys 2011
  • LADY GAGA EGG Grammys 2011

  • RebootD
    Apr 7, 12:49 PM
    This. Netflix HD is nice and even making my own legal copies are decent but they still don't compare to BRD + uncompressed/ DTSMA audio.

    And I'm going to point out again: 1080p BluRay movies are about 30GB each for a full length movie, not counting the "extras." Even if Netflix et al allowed such quality downloads, most ISPs have a maximum monthly bandwidth limit that is not prominently mentioned when you sign up, but exists none the less (for Comcast Cable, it's 250GB).

    If you have only DSL, that's not a big issue because at 3mbs or so, you might not be able to download 250GB in a month ;-) But at 20 to 50mbs with cable, or if Google's 1gbs fiber connections work out, that's only 10 movies a month.

    I'd love to see network delivery of everything - cancel Directv, etc., but with the extant bandwidth limitations, I don't think it happening.

    BluRay lives.

    Eddie O

    lady gaga outfits 2011. lady gaga outfits 2011.
  • lady gaga outfits 2011.

  • ppnkg
    Jul 27, 07:07 PM
    With those frequent speed bumps I begin to worry that my G5 imac will not be fast enough to run Leopard...

    Apr 7, 11:05 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Guys Apple is not to blame for this one. Well other than doing business with a sleazy business like Best Buy.

    Honestly it has been like eight years since I've entered a Best Buy, everything about the place just feels undesirable and corrupt. The fact that many here are surprised at this non-sense highlights a marginal expectation for ethical behavior. No one really needs to shop at Best Buy, there are plenty of alternatives.

    Jul 27, 10:08 AM
    "...Core 2 Duo chips need less electricity, drawing just 65 watts compared to the Pentium 4�s 95 watts and Pentium D�s 130 watts"

    Good Lord - does anybody know what the G5 is? I'd imagine that the elaborate cooling system in the current G5 towers probably won't be needed it it's running anything like the D's...

    Apple Corps
    Aug 27, 09:27 AM
    good information, logical thought.

    do you think apple's $100M payoff to Creative*, and possible need to restate financial information for recent quarters/years because of questionable executive compensation, make the company more reluctant than might otherwise have been the case to intro new chips that are, in the beginning more costly and thus will reduce profits?

    *--i know, i know, it's only 1% of apple's cash reserves. But that's not meaningless money: trust me, companies make plenty of strategic decisions that affect their products' features, support quality, whatever, over amounts far less than $100M.

    Why are you saying the new chips will be more costly??? All reports indicate that Merom will release at the same cost as Yonah.

    Sep 19, 11:59 AM
    You know, Sony and Nintendo are just *SO* behind the curve with next gen gaming systems.

    Microsoft has had it's XBox 360 out for MONTHS, while Sony and Nintendo gamers are lagging behind, barely able to function on their PS2s and GameCubes.

    If Sony and Nintendo don't release the PS3 and Wii, respectively, in the next week, they'll be the laughing stocks of the industry. There's no excuse for them to release their next gen gaming systems a year after their competitor.

    I'm going to hold my breath until I turn blue if I don't get what I want, because I'm childish like that.

    There's a difference between simply dropping the same chip into a computer that everyone else is using, and creating groud-up proprietary hardware designed to run proprietary software. IMO, the video game business isn't a good analogy.

    Jul 28, 06:11 AM
    gnasher729, thanks for taking the time to explain that. I had to read it twice, but I get it.

    So it seems that in many ways we're getting the best of the G5 and the best of Intel with the Core 2 Duo chips. As these kinds of things unfold, Apple's decision to switch to Intel chips makes more and more sense. They probably knew where Intel was going. Interesting.

    *sigh* REMEMBER! Apple said they were changing in June 06 at the last WWDC. Even though Intel are just annoucing now, im sure if apple was waiting, they might of 'bumped' it up a notch.

    Ah well, at least we have some good products now. i cant imagine still looking at a powerbook and ibook still for sale.

    lady gaga outfits 2011 Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: admin