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Monday, May 16, 2011

handmade thank you cards for teachers

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  • bigbossbmb
    Aug 28, 12:14 PM
    This really doesn't matter. Apple will update stuff tomorrow. Steve likes to wait for tuesdays cuz he's a rockstar like that. :D

    Apple announced the Intel iMac and MBP like 5-7 days after Yonah was brought out at the begining of Jan. It'll be announced tomorrow (75%) or next Tuesday (25%), but no later than that.

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  • aristotle
    Apr 20, 01:33 PM
    Enough with the chicken little episodes already.

    Apparently, this is related to AT&T only and it is not based on GPS location services but rather a database of cell towers. It contains no identifiable information and is sent to AT&T for analysis for signal strength statistics.

    Since it does not contain personal information and is being used to analyze the state of the AT&T network, I don't see a problem here. People who are not inside of the US are not affected by this.

    If you think that this is a privacy concern then you need to have your head examined. It is anonymous statistical information and nothing more.

    It is possible that this information was being collected for an AT&T app that you could download a while back and the OS is still collecting it in the background regardless of whether you have the app installed. Am I crazy or is there an AT&T app that consumes this data on the app store?

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  • chrmjenkins
    Apr 14, 11:48 AM
    Now that it's part of the platform Apple has no excuse for not including it. However, it wouldn't surprise me to see a MBP with this platform that still only has 2.0 connectors.

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  • ngenerator
    Mar 23, 05:03 PM
    Boo! What's the point of drinking and driving if I can't also be distracted by my bright and pretty iPhone? Goddamn senators

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  • shawnce
    Aug 23, 08:42 PM
    Well, it wasn't just this lawsuit. Five lawsuits were settled @ $20M a suit + no distractions of dragging this out... Plus they now are paid up FOREVER to use this license + they could recoup some money if Licenses are granted to others... doesn't sound as drastic as $100M is suddenly down the toilet. There's some value there for Apple. Apple appears even to be booking the license as an asset on their balance ( sheet and hence the cost of it will be amortized overtime (asset depreciation).

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  • jjahshik32
    May 3, 02:00 PM
    Probably, but it might depend on whether you can download the Windows 7 drivers from ATI, or whether you have to use Apple's dual boot drivers.

    Your question should be "can TBolt 'team' two channels for double bandwidth on one connection"?

    For your question, the answer is "yes" if you can have two simultaneous 10 Gb/sec links. For my version, the answer is yes if you can have one 20 Gb/sec link.

    Shipping sometime this summer - so the answer is "no, there are no TBolt devices available to buy".

    The real worry about this fact, though, is that no Apples have been tested with openly purchased TBolt peripherals. I wonder how many software updates, firmware revisions, or motherboard replacements will be needed before TBolt devices work reliably without kernel panics.

    I wouldnt worry about kernal panics or incompatibility issues with thunderbolt. Its like any other peripherals, its been heavily tested by apple and as long as other devices meets the requirements for thunderbolt, there will be no issues.

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  • CJM
    Sep 5, 03:10 AM
    I love those kind of reactions, just look one time at this thread (, and you'll know what I mean


    I don't have a use for such a device right now, but I was also a person that said I didn't want an iPod... I now have 3. So in the future, I might be wanting a video streamer.

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  • damnyooneek
    Apr 25, 01:50 PM
    Absolutely perfect design? Not even close.

    Things apple needs to do to make a better MBP with a redesign:

    MUST DO:

    (1) IPS screen. I actually don't mind lower resolutions on small screens (1280x800 is fine for 13.3"), but please, please give me a real IPS panel.

    what is the point of an IPS screen with a low resolution? IPS is good for viewing angles but people rarely look at a laptop from extreme viewing angles. the color and contrast on the current mbp screen are pretty good right now.

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  • zombierunner
    Mar 23, 03:05 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-gb) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    What so you guys think about having the new iMacs in an all black colour option ... Kinda sexy if you ask me .. Matte black ofcourse!

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  • fblack
    Sep 10, 06:11 PM
    Do you really want to use a monitor from 10 years ago in everyday use? Not likely. I've a 15" CRT from about a decade ago too but it's sitting on a shelf as a spare in case my newer monitor dies.

    Most times I've bought a new computer, I've also bought a new monitor. A widescreen 17" monitor back when I bought my iMac was extortionately expensive. I generally figure on spending about �15-1800 every three years on a computer and about 5-6 years of useful life. It's been going up from a G3 iBook to a 17" G5 Mac to a fully kitted out 24" iMac for that money. I can't imagine what it will be in 3 - 6 years time but I guess it'll make a 24" iMac feel just as obsolete as the 500Mhz G3 iBook with a 1024x768 screen feels.

    I have to conclude that people who want to use their 10 year old CRT are just incredibly cheap and don't value their screens as much as being able to claim how fast their CPU is. I've been programming for 20+ years professionally and your screen isn't something to skimp on. It's THE most important thing if you value your eyes.

    I think you mistook the slant of my post. Notice the big grin face at the end of my sentence in the previous post? I meant it half in jest. It does not mean that as I type I am staring at a 14" screen. As far as my 6 yr old CRT that died it was a 19inch not a tiny screen and certainly hefty at about 60lbs. My 10yr old CRT that has been permanently retired now was in fact used as a backup monitor for my old beige G3. I've had more than one monitor go before and having a backup even if it has small screen real estate can save your bacon if you've got work to do. :p

    I would love to have the budget to replace all of my equipment every 3 years like you can but I dont have that luxury. If I can have a piece of equipment last a little longer you may call it cheap from your fancy perch, but I call it frugal. Good budgeting should never be sneered at...:D

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  • cmaier
    Nov 13, 10:43 PM
    You're absolutely right, which means, unless you OWN or LICENSE the icons from Apple, you can't use them. That's what copyright infringement means.

    Not quite. There are at least two other options. Fair use, and exhaustion/implied license/first sale doctrine.

    The use is almost certainly fair use, and Apple's rights may very well be exhausted under the first sale doctrine. It's a thorny question of law since there is nothing in the Mac OS license that makes it clear what you can do with those icons. Apple would have been better off putting something in the development agreement about not being able to use representations of Macs, etc. But they didn't.

    So your argument is that since a court of law would find this to be copyright infringement, it's covered by the development agreement.

    My opinion, as an I.P. lawyer, is that it's not at all clear that it's copyright infringement, that most people would think it probably isn't, and that therefore the development agreement does not at all clearly forbid this sort of thing.

    P.S.: You're saying developers just need to read the agreement. I'm saying they need to read the agreement, go to law school, and guess how Apple will interpret the facts.

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  • vitaboy
    Aug 24, 04:52 AM
    The cost of litigation would not even remotely approached 100 million. The cost of losing (ie, having a judgement against apple), now that would have probably exceeded 100 million. When a company is not sure about it's position, the best thing is to settle. You don't see IBM settling their Linux suit, do you?. And SCOunix hasn't even paid close to 100 mil in lawyers fees yet and they are fighting a losing battle..

    I think you are seriously underestimating how expensive these type of patent battles can be. Check out the following story:

    Regarding its ongoing legal battles with IBM (Quote, Chart) and Novell over Linux code claims, SCO announced an agreement with its legal firm that would cap its legal costs at $31 million. As part of the deal, SCO's legal firm Boies, Schiller & Flexner could be awarded between 20 and 33 percent of any potential settlement that may arise from SCO's claims.

    So SCO obviously expected its legal costs to spiral beyond $31 million to make a special deal with its law firm to cap costs. The fact they are willing to give as much as 33% of any potential winnings with the legal firm indicates that the final tally could easily approach $100 million if not for the cap.

    It is quite clear that Apple would have made life very, very expensive and excruciating for Creative's legal team. $100 million in legal costs is not unrealistic considering that you not only had the original suit, but countersuits by Apple involving 4 bonafide patents.

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  • daneoni
    Sep 12, 04:30 PM
    Educated guess would be "big" iPod sales will slump whilst the Nanos & Shuffles will skyrocket.

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  • unobtainium
    Apr 30, 01:16 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Just hope they don't decide to redesign the iMac the beginning of next year like they plan to do with the Macbooks.

    Neither will be redesigned next year. Look at the length of time Apple stuck with the previous design. There are still a few years left to this "look."

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  • Thank you to Stephanie at the

  • Cougarcat
    Apr 30, 03:30 PM
    Because that huge base of thunderbolt based devices is overwhelming! :p

    Gotta build the computers first for the devices to follow.

    I have a newbie question.
    I plan on moving onto MAC OS (from Windows 7) but I wanted to wait for Lion, but I'm also quite impatient since the iMac is perfect for me.
    Being new to Apple computers, would I be able to use Lion (like an upgrade) when it comes out?

    Yes. Traditionally OS X upgrades cost $129, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was $99 or $79 this time around. Apple has been dropping their software prices lately.

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  • anotherkenny
    Apr 30, 04:40 PM
    Tom was referring to this feature (
    "Intel... takes advantage of a new hardware module inside Sandy Bridge's GPU to enable the secure delivery of downloadable HD content to PCs, has been blasted as "DRM." But of course it's only a DRM-enabler�a hardware block that can store predistributed keys that the Sandy Bridge GPU uses to decrypt movies a frame at a time before they go out over the HDMI port."

    It allows for secure playback of cloud movies, without the risk of pirating. Your own files aren't being scrutinized.

    Clix Pix put the matte preference well in an old post (

    Go "matte.....easier on your eyes under all lighting conditions, more accurate representation of what will be printed or show on other people's monitors."

    Photographers and people who don't like sparkled/ full of reflection monitors go with matte.

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  • barkomatic
    Apr 10, 06:50 PM
    What's hard in the U.S. is that most people make a modest or poor salary--yet the culture is very materialistic and there is a lot of pressure to buy so many luxury goods and services. At least in third world countries, your friends aren't pressuring you to take extravagant vacations you can't afford or go out to expensive restaurants.

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  • greenstork
    Jul 17, 03:54 PM
    I'd bet it all that the iMac gets an Allendale with maybe a Conroe top-end option.

    That makes sense, it offers some product differentiation, and saves Apple a few pennies allowing them to offer a lower priced consumer desktop. Mac Pros will likely get at least one Woodcrest dualie model on the top end and perhaps a Conroe on the bottom but it is entirely possible that it will be Woodcrest across the board, to achieve economies of scale both in purchase power and motherboard engineering.

    Could someone answer me this, who actually understands the Core Microarchitecture. Is the Conroe extreme edition (2.93 GHz) a better high end gaming chip than a quad woodcrest setup, say at 2.66 GHz? I've heard more than a couple comments that the Conroe is better suited for gamers than a Woodcrest but this makes no sense to me. Again please, no fanboy speculators answering this, I'd really like to know the rationale using some expert technological analysis. What makes the conroe EE so expensive? At a higher cost than the 3.0 GHz Woodcrest, it must excel in some regard.

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  • Much Ado
    Sep 8, 01:40 PM
    I remember that SNL skit too. That was great.

    Introducing, and i'm thrilled about this- the new iPod invisa.


    Aug 28, 04:03 PM
    ah yes. just like they did with the eMac back in the day. that was popular... you know, not having a product to ship for weeks.

    Well, assuming they announced and shipped about the same time as the PC companies, there's really not that much to complain about. Don't forget, they did it with the MPB as well.

    And if people are really unwilling to wait a couple weeks, nothing is stopping them from buying the yonah models.

    Mar 23, 05:34 PM
    Isn't it possible that the heads up provided up this app (and friends, newspapers, etc) may make people who know they will be drinking later in the evening re-think their mode of transportation? Could be saving a life or two.
    Eh not really. If you've been drinking. Don't drive. Not a difficult dilemma to solve. No technology required to solve it.

    And if you are planning to go out and get hammered, take a taxi.

    I agree, no one could argue against that. However, for the guy who thinks he may be sober enough to drive: he checks his phone and gets discouraged by the local check points and decides to hail a cab.

    Seems like a very decent possibility of this happening. Could save a life, or many. For that alone, the app shouldn't be pulled.

    Apr 11, 08:43 AM
    i dont know much about this, but does this mean i can stream to my ps3 now?

    Sep 14, 11:33 AM
    Some ACD love? I need to buy soon.
    Hear hear, but its unlikely, they just updated the current models with more brightness and contrast ratio. I doubt they'd change it so quickly.

    Mar 29, 01:59 PM
    no one uses windows phones....and for a good reason sucks, it sucks, oh and it sucks....

    That's three good reasons

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