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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

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  • MacRumors
    Sep 4, 06:49 PM (

    Appleinsider reports ( that Apple is ready to introduce the iTunes Movie Store at the upcoming September 12th Media Event.

    They expect that Jobs will announce that movies from at least one major studio will be available at $9.99/download with additional studies following. Appleinsider, however, also claims that Apple has been working on their next killer device. Instead of a video iPod device to drive movie sales, they believe a video streaming device is in the works:

    google translate icon. the Google Translate app
  • the Google Translate app

  • steadysignal
    Apr 22, 06:42 PM
    time to get the purchase order put in the system :)

    google translate icon. Google Translate app now
  • Google Translate app now

  • MikeDTyke
    Sep 1, 06:26 AM
    Over on the 'other' rumor board. AI details how a user who ordered a single core mini, got a pleasant upgrade to a dual core, 100GB HD and most importantly a superdrive.

    Why give us a 100GB HD and a superdrive on the most basic machine, because they want us to have plenty of space for the movie downloads and there will be an option to burn these files to DVD.

    Couple this with a widescreen ipod, released now and a nano possibly later but with a screen comparable to current 5Gen. That way they get maximum coverage for the new movie store ie. all models play video and anyone prepared to buy the 6G out of the way before they introduce the new nano.

    Its a common tactic of the industry to release the highend model first where it potentially is in competition with lower models. Last years nano and 5G where so far apart, there wasn't a worry about releasing the junior model first.


    google translate icon. Google translator extension
  • Google translator extension

  • cadillaccactus
    Sep 16, 12:33 AM

    google translate icon. google-translate-desktop-
  • google-translate-desktop-

  • AidenShaw
    Mar 29, 02:14 PM
    Just FYI...

    File size wouldn't affect performance at all, as long as you're copying between locations on the same drive. The "file" that you see in the GUI is actually a link to a location on disk where your data is; all the OS has to move is the link, which is very tiny.

    That's correct for "moving" a file, but not for "copying" a file. A "copy" needs to be just that - I can edit the copy without changing the original. If the two directory entries are links to the same file, then a change to the "copy" would modify the "original" - which is cleary unacceptable.

    Bookmark this and pull it up in 4 years...

    Are you suggesting that an internationally respected technology analysis firm might have more of a clue than the fans on MacRumours? ;)

    google translate icon. Google releases Chrome 11 beta
  • Google releases Chrome 11 beta

  • EricNau
    Apr 25, 01:06 AM
    It's interesting. Every single poster here clearly disagrees with your actions (which are undeniably illegal) and your justification (including your improper blame on the woman driving in front of you). And yet, it's everyone else that must be wrong, not you.

    Like I said, it's interesting.

    google translate icon. Google Translate
  • Google Translate

  • 0815
    May 3, 10:58 AM
    Good to see the Magic Track Pad only option - I Loved my Magic Mouse a lot ... but I love my Magic Track Pad even more, it gives me all the same gestures that I'm used to from the MacBook - I am done with mice and will always go with the TrackPad option. For those that never used one: It does not compare the the good old windows TrackPads, it adds so much more usability since it is a true multitouch device.

    google translate icon. It uses Google Translate
  • It uses Google Translate

  • jmeyoung
    Sep 14, 01:27 AM
    Looks neat however if it doesn't have a good calendar and sync w/ iCal it will be useless for me.

    I would love to get rid of this Treo I got, but I can't stand putting in any kind of text (calendar appointment, text message, or according to rumors an iChat conversation) with a scroll wheel or a basic numberpad w/ 3-4 letters crammed on each key. Knowing apple though, I will be surprised if they release anything with a full keyboard like the Treo and Blackberrys have.

    Still interested to see this thing see the light of day, even though I doubt I will be getting one.

    google translate icon. Autotranslate using Google
  • Autotranslate using Google

  • TheKrillr
    Aug 28, 01:21 PM
    There are so many rumors about a new ipod coming in the next few weeks/months/etc, most likely announced at Paris (maybe).

    That would be an awesome birthday present for me, my birthday is the 12th ;-)

    google translate icon. flag icon,google translate
  • flag icon,google translate

  • dbit
    Aug 28, 06:55 PM
    If the Core 2 Duo hits tomorrow I'm buying!

    Does anybody have a link to a site that can help me set it up to run windows and os x as optimized as possible? Somebody sent me a link to some mac rumors guides, but nothing that really contained info about setting up the os such as proper partitioning, etc. I heard recently some information about not using the admin account as your primary, etc. I need more tips like this.

    I don't mind if it takes me a week to set the thing up, I just want it set up for the longest future possible.

    Any info is appreciated!

    google translate icon. Google Translate just gets
  • Google Translate just gets

  • DJMastaWes
    Jul 17, 11:04 AM
    I sure hope it's July 23rd.
    If it's July 23rd, that would be SEXY! Because then if it's annouced (MBP) at WWDC, I can order it and it will ship fast.

    1 Questoin. If i got a Rev B Week 1 MBP, will there be problems like heating, moos...?


    google translate icon. kini google translate juga
  • kini google translate juga

  • Mitthrawnuruodo
    Sep 5, 01:46 PM
    Yeah... yeah... Movies for the American audience...

    ...I don't even get TV shows... :(

    google translate icon. go to Google Translate,
  • go to Google Translate,

  • nevir
    Sep 14, 07:07 PM
    new here to the forums.

    i've been patiently waiting for the MBP to be updated before i ordered but wanted to jump on the iPod deal as well which ends the 16th

    if one was to place an order and then these are announced the following week, would Apple upgrade you to the comparable machine?

    If you happen to be a student programmer type, getting an ADC student membership ($100) may interest you... the current MacBook Pros, and most other Apple hardware, is 20-25% off as a one time order.

    google translate icon. wrote Google Translate
  • wrote Google Translate

  • morespce54
    Aug 24, 10:54 AM
    Definitely I'll just have to remember to never buy Creative products :) I like Apple not why support a company I do not like that sued a company I do like and got $100 million in a lawsuit over a BS patent.

    Because buying from the company you don't love will pay 10% to the company you love! ;)

    google translate icon. Click translate to call Google
  • Click translate to call Google

  • MarcelV
    Sep 2, 08:37 PM
    ....but can't find anywhere hard evidence for September 12. Macbidouille is referencing conformation from sources, but don't have a date. Hardmac has a copy of a meeting invite for the 19th. So, will there be a September 12 meeting? I really hope so, as I will be in Vegas that day, and don't mind to pick up some stuff at the Apple store. :)

    google translate icon. google translate bar
  • google translate bar

  • morespce54
    Apr 4, 12:10 PM
    Anybody responsible for guarding should have a gun. If the person isn't qualified to carry a gun, they he/she isn't qualified to guard anything and shouldn't be a guard.

    When you're exchanging gunfire with a criminal, the main goal is not to wound; it is to remove the threat to your life completely. Let's say the guard shoots the guy in the arm, the guy's going to be so pumped up on adrenaline that he's not going to even know he's shot, giving him plenty of opportunity to take another shot.

    Ask yourself this: If it were your life he was guarding, what would you want the guard to do?

    Maybe you're right, maybe not... I mean, I doubt the guys went in in Kevlar suit saying "we take the loot, not matter what. If someones try to stop us, we kill him". In a bank robbery maybe they would but I doubt they were ready to kill somebody only for a few iPads...

    But that's just me.

    google translate icon. will use Google Translate
  • will use Google Translate

  • dukebound85
    Apr 25, 01:01 AM
    The simple fact is that I should not have to obey a 70mph speed limit if I don't want to. Why would I even bother driving a car that can hit 186mph (with the speed governor removed, with the governor top speed is 155mph) at 70 mph? A Ford Fiesta can hit those speeds, what's the point of fast cars if you're going to follow the speed limit in them?


    Seriously...I mean really???

    You have NO business driving a vehicle with your state of mind

    google translate icon. Google Translate
  • Google Translate

  • BornAgainMac
    May 3, 12:45 PM
    I bet the future dedicated display will be Thunderbolt driven only. It would reduce the number of wires from 3 to 2. It would be nice if power can be drawn from the monitor to power the laptop and just dock it with a single wire.

    The monitor would still have USB ports just not feed from the USB port on the Mac.

    google translate icon. Google Translate
  • Google Translate

  • Huntn
    Apr 20, 08:40 PM
    We need unions to protect people from abusive BS like this ( Either that or we just need to have a limit on how big a company can get before it has to become the property of the employees.

    The lower we sink, the more popular unions will become, that is if Republican's don't succeed in outlawing them.

    Sep 13, 03:12 AM
    Does anyone else think something more might be coming? With the price drop of both models and the lack of drastic changes ie the rumored full screen, bluetooth, and virtual click wheel?
    Could there be a "one more thing..." next week?
    Apple will eventually introduce a true video iPod.

    My guess will be after bigger 1.8 inch HDs are released.

    I don't expect this until after New Years.

    Apr 28, 03:29 PM
    Apple "beats" Microsoft?
    But who has the strongest dad? :rolleyes:

    ROFL! I totally see what you're saying. Why can't people just avoid fanboyish behavior? Both companies make some great products. Both companies make bad products too. *shrugs*

    Aug 31, 11:01 PM

    403 error forbidden!!!! WEHOOOOO the pot of gold

    Jul 14, 03:49 PM
    Cnet net already has a 2 reviews and a one video for this chip on two different pcs. One is Dell the other is Falcon Northwest.

    The dell review and video here.

    Sep 14, 08:59 AM
    Any news if Steve will give a keynote in the special event preceeding photokina?

    google translate icon Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: admin