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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

dvd cover artwork

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  • CrackedButter
    Sep 19, 04:29 PM
    As I stated in a few posts up I'm not that happy with the pricing of the iTunes Movies, but, if I were to buy any I would quickly run into a huge problem - STORAGE! I have an iBook with 60 GB drive and it's almost full from other stuff.

    Apple should come out with a home storage network server with RAID, etc.

    Err, buy an external HD or upgrade your iBook HD!

    I have a 1Ghz iBook with a 80GB HD (upgraded it myself) and 2 160GB firewire HD's so what was your point?

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  • MarcelV
    Aug 31, 08:38 PM
    Apple bought Worldcom's new telecom switch center.

    Google is buying Nortel's dark fiber.

    Google's CEO is on Apple's board.

    Nobody is going to run fiber to the last mile.

    The solution is Intel wimax and Samsung 4G.

    I told you so.

    While it sounds good, I don't see this happen soon at all. Also, Verizon disagrees with you, because they are pulling fiber to the homes in several (large) cities and more to come. The investment for 4G (802.16e I assume you're talking about)will be much too high while not providing enough guarantees it will be financial feasible in short and mid term to make shareholders feel confortable. But if it will, Apple will get my money :) But are there enough gadget geeks like me in the world? That will make or break the project.....

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  • IngerMan
    Apr 30, 07:39 PM
    Similar, but not the same. The new design came out in October 2009.

    New sizes, new aspect ratio, removal of plastic from the enclosure, removed the outer aluminum bezel, etc. And new guts, of course.

    Yes you are correct. After a little digging is was a considerable upgrade. Even though the look stayed close. I almost wish mine would take a bomb so I would upgrade.

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  • LegendKillerUK
    Apr 25, 01:16 PM
    Hilarious to all those people who jumped on the THUNDERBOLT bandwagon. No thunderbolt devices yet and they have the hideous old case design.



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  • ergle2
    Sep 11, 12:13 AM
    I came to the opposite conclusion....

    Running many compute-bound single-threaded benchmarks and apps - I saw how NT (pre Win2k) would balance across CPUs (that is, a "100%" compute-bound job would show each CPU running at 50%).

    However, setting affinity so that one CPU was 100% and the other was 0% had no significant effect on the run times. (And by "significant" I mean statistically significant - I literally ran hundreds of runs in each configuration.)\\

    By the way, with Win2k3 (and XP 64-bit, really the same system) you see much less "balancing" - a single-threaded app will stick to a CPU for much longer.

    I suspect if any observable difference occurs depends upon the application, dataset, etc.

    I'm guessing the 50% "balanced" method was done to try and keep a single CPU from heating up too much, and with the advent of multicore systems, it probably no longer matters which core is generating the heat due to them being in a single package.

    It could also be MS found that certain circumstances (like mine) resulted in improvements in processing.

    Interesting stuff.

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  • Di9it8
    Oct 27, 03:04 PM
    The Greenpeace Apple micro site
    is surely a good thing for Apple.
    It is organisations like Greenpeace who are driving the agenda, because goverments and manufacturing companies are too complacent.
    They should be welcomed with open arms at Mac Expo:rolleyes:

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  • nagromme
    Oct 12, 03:39 PM
    I'm saying that Africa will sort out it's own problems in time, when those individuals who recognize the problem for themselves get a voice. We can help, and every little bit helps, but it's not ours to fix. This is FAR FAR more complex and rooted than a kid who hurts his knee on a skateboard.
    I don't think anyone, from Bono to me, thinks red iPods are a complete solution. Of course complex problems have complex solutions. And yet programs like the ones Red supports--which are not limited to education--help.

    And speaking of cherrypicking, you left some things unaddressed :) I'm seeing a LOT more in your original post than just "we can't fix this alone." That much is true. But going on to say that Africans must be allowed to die so they can evolve and catch up is extreme and unreasonable.

    It's always nice to find a reason not to make something "my problem." That's a great feeling. But I think you have gone in a pretty bad "us and them" direction with that.

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  • diamond.g
    May 3, 12:57 PM
    One of the two guys there did immediately go to a computer and check the web site while the other went into the back to find out what information he could. He came back and reported that the old iMacs were due to be sent back to Apple today and that new iMacs were going to be arriving imminently, but he couldn't say whether that'd be today, tomorrow, or any particular day.

    Using the Apple Store app on my iPhone, it shows that I can reserve the old iMacs at the regular prices at this store. At a store on the other side of Pittsburgh, it also shows the old iMacs, but the prices are reduced $100-300.

    Ah, it's just been updated. It's now showing the reduced prices for the old iMacs at my local store as well. Still no sign of the new iMacs in the app for reserved pickup yet.

    That is interesting.

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  • evilgEEk
    Oct 12, 01:09 PM
    A red nano would look pretty hot. That might just be enough motivation for me to finally buy one.

    Of course convincing the wife to let me buy one, now that's different. ;)

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  • syklee26
    Sep 13, 09:39 PM
    The only way i'd give up my Treo for an "iPhone" is if it is a true "smart phone". That means PDA functionality. It's got to do everything my Treo does. If it's simply another phone with iTunes on it then it's not worth switching, at least in my opinion.

    i think that might come down the road but not at the initial launch. smart phones are not as popular as the normal cell phones. plus, you need the right OS for smart phone and we are talking about a totally separate venture there. hopefully Apple will introduce OSX mobile version

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  • Veldek
    Sep 14, 02:14 AM
    screen is scaled 16x10 format (don't know if that's right or not) - key shape/layout is unknown.

    again, these are renditions, not the product itself. Although, I'd buy one...I think the buttons would be way too small to use them. But the overall looks would be quite nice.

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  • vwcruisn
    Mar 23, 05:31 PM
    trapster started out by showing where speed traps are. Why wasn't this app pulled long ago to help "save lives?" I didn't see the families of victims killed because of SPEEDING drivers upset about the app. Just sayin...

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  • Lone Deranger
    Mar 30, 12:54 PM
    The real question is why MS is so bothered about Apple using 'App Store'. Historically MS (almost) never used the word App, instead using the word Programs. Surely MS can come up with many alternatives that describe their own store equally well, if not better. Why fight with Apple over this? I can only conclude that it is to spite Apple, or to ride Apple's coat tails yet again.
    Even if MS is right, logically, linguistically, I find their attitude over this rather puerile. PR-wise it says to me "Apple, if we can't imitate you, we'll sue you"
    MS sinks lower in my opinion by the day.

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  • milo
    Sep 11, 03:46 PM
    Close, Manic Mouse. I dont understand people's belief that every Intel chip made has to go into an Apple machine. I doubt the Conroe will be used in any Mac nor the Kentsfield. The range is covered, and I'm sick of these silly rumors of Mac mid towers.

    There wont be a mid tower, not now, not "Next Tuesday".

    Conroe is intels best bang for the buck. It would be stupid for apple not to use it, and go with chips that are slower and more expensive instead. But apple still does some things that are stupid.

    I still think we'll see a mid tower, or at least some mac with conroe. Tommorow? Probably not, but who knows?

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  • AaronEdwards
    Apr 20, 11:27 AM
    Of course that's the ideal answer but an impossible answer. So again, Google or your device/computer?

    I'd rather have Google or Apple for that matter having that information in their servers, than it being in a unencrypted file on my phone or on my computer.

    What Apple has done here is giving anyone with access to either your phone or your computer a way to track your movement. And that person would not need to either install something or deal with encrypted files. The person tracked would have no clue that it's happening.

    Once again, it's shown that when it comes to security and encryption, Apple needs to improve their game.

    But, it's great thing for jealous husbands who would want to monitor what their wives are doing.

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  • MattyMac
    Sep 13, 09:01 PM
    Holy Guacamole!

    That is Sick!

    They need to come out with that right now!

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  • tbobmccoy
    Mar 23, 05:40 PM
    It's illegal. Police need to publicly announce check points before setting up. Ironic they would want to pull the app since this is the basis that makes them legal in the first place.

    I'm not sure that's the case in Texas, but I will acquiesce since I don't remember that from school and also am typing on my iPhone. Either way, the app is still a good one, and shouldn't be removed.

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  • Eidorian
    May 3, 11:59 AM
    You can hook 3+3 displays from some AMD 6000-series PCIe cards. I am not sure if it also works for 4+2 or 5+1, which would allow for different screen configurations (eg: 4x24"+2x30" or 5xSmaller+1x30"3D).Daisy chaining displays over the Display Port connector and/or the/a monitor or cabling that supports it not just Eyefinity.

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  • berkleeboy210
    Sep 19, 01:33 PM
    Good, Now lets have some more studios come on in, and just maybe i'll buy the 80gb ipod

    Apr 22, 02:10 AM
    How does streaming music to my iPhone help me, when O2 cap my Internet usage, and then charge when you use more.

    Perhaps if they let you cache songs.

    Sep 14, 03:55 PM
    Since I'm buying a MBP tomorrow, I can guarantee that the MBP will be released either next Tuesday or at Photokina.

    Enjoy! ;)


    Sep 3, 08:13 PM
    Apple may offer a choice of Core Duo 1 or Core Duo 2 as a BTO option.

    Doing this might allow Apple to sell the Basic MacBooks and iMacs for less while
    the Core Duo 2 models will be favored by those who can afford to spend a bit more.
    Except that the Core Duo is no less expensive than the Core2 Duo, and because of inferior power management, is less suitable for laptops. And BTO CPU options for notebooks are unlikely, considering how they would make the product line more complicated, and they would require a change to a socketed CPU.

    Sep 19, 04:19 PM
    I disagree. Dolby Digital is no longer reserved for rich �ber-geeks. Many "regular Joes" have a Dolby Digital setup now, and you can get a Dolby Digital receiver (all 5 normal channels powered) for under $100.

    I think you have to draw a distinction between uber-geeks, also, and people who know what they like but who are not necessarily technophiles. The latter market has always been a core market to Apple. What I mean by that is that I don't think that the cost of the collateral equipment would stop Apple -- say only offering support for nicer TVs -- but I do think complexity could potentially stop them.

    Even in this thread, it's clear that the switch from the relatively contained hardware world of Apple Macs and iPods to the TV world is going to be very complicated and confusing to a lot of people. While we're at our Macs, we have the luxury of "It Just Works." With all the different audio and video standards and so on in the TV world, it's not so simple at all.

    Sep 13, 09:18 PM
    This is making me want to hold off on buying the new nano tomorrow. I'm going to an apple store to check them out. I'm sure I won't be able to keep the plastic in my wallet.

    dvd cover artwork Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: admin