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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

coloring pages disney princess

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  • designgeek
    Mar 29, 11:33 AM
    Are they smoking crack? Don't you need developers developers developers to get a platform going?

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  • Joe-Diver
    Mar 29, 11:08 AM
    Don't believe it!

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  • john1620b
    May 3, 10:31 AM
    Just noticed they give an option for both Serial ATA and SSD together (both internal...I think). That would be a great option if it weren't +$600

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  • martygras9
    Mar 23, 04:36 PM
    Here in Sweden, the Police says that their goal is to increase safety, not catch people. I'd rather have a drunk driver stay at home because of an app warning of a checkpoint than get in the car and get caught.

    That's the problem, though. People WILL go out after drinking, thinking they can circumvent the law.

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  • entwife
    Apr 4, 12:21 PM
    How sad,
    I mean a person lost his life because of his actions, and the guard now has to live with the fact that he took a life. All for what - some iToys? Doesn't seem worth it. :(


    What a waste.

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  • reflex
    Aug 29, 03:32 AM
    They don't say Dell or HP. But who makes PC's?

    Just about everyone and their dog? :)

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  • VPrime
    Apr 30, 05:11 PM
    He was talking about the fact that "Cloud storage" uses physical media. ;) The cloud is not some kind of magic thing, it's just a bunch of physical disks and servers. And those disks and servers aren't anything special either, they are your typical server computer and the disks are also your standard server based disk, grouped up in a volume manager over massive raid arrays.
    Oh right, didn't think that part through.... Its the future everthing is magic! :D

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  • Reach
    Sep 14, 09:32 AM
    Macbook Pro's and photographers fits perfectly imo, I can't see why some of you think hardware for photographers is unlikely..

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  • CDCC
    Apr 19, 02:29 PM
    Google probably have a kickass patent portfolio so they'll just countersue.

    Google mostly makes Software. Apple has WAY more device and design patents.

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  • zin
    Mar 30, 12:25 PM
    Yep i have few of those...One is 24"

    Not sure if that was meant to be a joke, but I found it really funny. :D

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  • KnightWRX
    Apr 30, 05:05 PM
    Cloud storage already exists. Look at dropbox, amazon, wuala, Carbonite. Lots of stuff which can handle user files and media already. Again, the person I quoted was talking about things in 2016, so quite possible for things to change by then.

    He was talking about the fact that "Cloud storage" uses physical media. ;) The cloud is not some kind of magic thing, it's just a bunch of physical disks and servers. And those disks and servers aren't anything special either, they are your typical server computer and the disks are also your standard server based disk, grouped up in a volume manager over massive raid arrays.

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  • cmaier
    Nov 14, 12:14 AM
    LOL. Please tell us which law firm you work for. That was quite funny. Are you a historian now too? Would the real cmaier please stand up?

    So the arbitration system comes from the roman law as well? Do tell.

    I'm not interested in what revisionist historians have come up with the justify this perversion of justice that you call "law". The roman empire fell a long time ago and while Roman law may have influenced much of our legal proceedings, including the structure of civil cases, I was talking about how civil disputes are generally dealt with. Lawyers arguing a case are supposed to be the last resort, not the first.

    This process is based on Judeo-christian principles on how you settle disputes over land or labour. It has nothing to do with criminal law.

    Here is how disputes were supposed to be dealt with.
    1. You go to the person in question and try to talk it out.
    2. If that does not work, you meet in front a mediator such as as priest, local official, magistrate or arbitrator.
    3. If that does not work, you hire an advocate and make your case in front of the community.
    4. If that does not work, you take your case before the court which would usually have been a king back in the day.

    Now you are just making things up. And are you even aware of the difference between law and equity, and the role of the chancellor in old English common law? There were no "arbitrators." What on earth are you even talking about?

    I hate to rely on wikipedia, but might be a good place for you to start. You'll note the section on the influence of Roman law. You'll also see quotes like this:

    "Well into the 19th century, ancient maxims played a large role in common law adjudication. Many of these maxims had originated in Roman Law, migrated to England before the introduction of Christianity to the British Isles, and were typically stated in Latin even in English decisions."

    You'll also note that "arbitrator" and "arbitration" doesn't appear anywhere in that article because these are not principles of English common law. The word "Christian" appears only in the above quote.

    And I'm not a historian, but lawyers are actually taught about the history of common law, since we rely on precedent dating all the way back, and we still have distinctions and rules that come from the 1400's.

    You are just making stuff up.

    p.s.: and where in the bible does this come from:

    To put in a modern context:
    1. Go for coffee.
    2. Arbitration.
    3. Public Hearing.
    4. Court case.

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  • dvdhsu
    Nov 13, 07:26 PM
    This will continue until the Google Android threatens the iPhone. Then Apple will change their policy. Right now Apple simply does not have to care.

    You have an excellent point there.

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  • FatDaddy 64.5
    Sep 15, 06:14 PM
    Wow. I just ordered my MBP on Wen. Looks like I'll be sending that back for the upgrade.

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  • tigress666
    Apr 25, 01:16 PM
    Understandable, seeing as you wear Adidas. LOL. :D

    On a more serious and intelligent note, let's hope the screen and the rest of the body have a more seamless and look. The current mirror screen looks like it was slapped on a random body. They just don't go together like the previous gen. The Air looks much better.

    Ah, I kinda like the two tone look. Though I certainly wouldn't mind if the whole computer was black (though it might look a little bland that way imho).

    I will be annoyed if the computer gets a lighter color or they frame the screen in something other than black (sorry, silver and white are both horrible colors to frame a screen with, and besides those and black no other color is really neutral enough for a screen since you need neutrality cause the colors on the screen will change).

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  • Warbrain
    Apr 20, 10:04 AM
    I'd rather have none at all. This is a file being stored. It's big bad news.

    Of course that's the ideal answer but an impossible answer. So again, Google or your device/computer?

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  • AidenShaw
    Mar 22, 09:29 PM
    And a 4 Link one at that compared to the Expresscard slot which is only 1 link PCIe or a USB2 port.

    The term is "4 lane" for PCIe x4 - not "link".

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  • iAlan
    Jul 14, 10:51 AM
    Remember that the pulse width is the reciprocal of frequency. At 4 GHz, the pulse width is 250 picoseconds. Light travels 0.000075 km in 250 picoseconds. There are 1 million mm in a km, hence light travels about 75mm in that time...

    ...In practice, propagation delays of this type are analyzed by CAD tools and the chip's physical layout is designed to minimize the signal path.
    Posts like the one from ksz above just remind me how computer-illiterate I am

    Reciprocal of frequency
    No idea what that means

    At 4 GHz, the pulse width is 250 picoseconds
    Isn't picoseconds a character from one of those Japanese card games?

    Propagation delays
    Isn't that something about people not having children till later in life, thus an aging population?

    Anyway, let's hope Apple can bring something to market that is leaps above Windows boxes (and not the ones you put flowes in outside your house) and in a nice new enclosure

    Fingers crossed

    :D :D :p :D :D

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  • Glideslope
    Apr 25, 07:14 PM

    Unibody Liquid Metal, or a Aluminum/Liquid Metal Hybrid.

    It's NOT going to be Carbon Fiber.

    It's going to be "Magical". :apple:

    Number 41
    Dec 30, 09:55 AM
    At least be honest with the headline:

    McAfee Hopes 2011 Brings Reason for iUsers to own McAfeee Products

    cult hero
    May 3, 03:07 PM
    "Apple OSX" and "3rd party device drivers" defines a place that is not a "happy place"

    No. No it's not.

    Sep 1, 08:42 AM
    I'd say a refresh of the Mac Mini and/or iMac might happen. Why would they call both of the existing models 'early 2006' (esp. the mini) in this page.

    Because that's when they were released.

    Apr 22, 01:32 PM
    Streaming will never be as good as audio stored on your device. Not. Ever.

    Not on 3G, not on 4G, and not even over WiFi. The software and streaming protocols are way too slow to offer even comparable performance.

    While I do prefer local storage as well, streaming over WiFi for the AppleTV works wonderfully. Streaming over WiFi is fine. Streaming over 3/4G is spotty due to coverage gaps and such.

    Apr 25, 07:11 AM
    7 'pages' since my Midnight? :eek:


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