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Sunday, May 8, 2011

annasophia robb wiki

annasophia robb wiki. AnnaSophia Robb was spotted at

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  • BWhaler
    Sep 5, 03:55 AM
    Come on MBP update... :-)

    (Although I am sure it's not at this event, I gotta hope...)

    annasophia robb wiki. annasophia robb
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  • whooleytoo
    Mar 30, 01:23 PM
    Application store. Software store. If you want to use the word store. But there is no need to. App Market is clear enough, isn't it? A market is a friendly, open place where you buy a variety of things at good prices, not walled in and regulated like a store. I'd say "Welcome to App Market, the place where you find all the software you need".

    I'm not sure anyone would use the terms 'Application' or 'Software' in relation to phone apps. If someone asked me where they could buy software for their phone, I'd be genuinely confused as to what they meant. :p

    I guess the question I'm asking is: does there need to be a generic phrase to describe app stores, which can't be trademarked? If you were to say "App Store and (say) App Market are app stores", what else would you call them if not app store? And if someone trademarked "Application Store", does that mean that name can't be used? (And am I right in thinking that if Apple wins, the term "app store" can't be used descriptively?)

    Ok, that's 4 questions not 1!

    annasophia robb wiki. annasophia robb
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  • Donz0r
    Sep 13, 09:22 PM
    Apple can design better than that. It will probably not look like that. Why? Because they do not want it to look exactly as the Nano as it would confuse people. That design does not make sense to me.

    I think and hope they will make a new Newton, more a Apple PDA than a iPod with phone capabilities.

    It is time for Apple to release a phone, but not just an iPod Phone. Look at the patent Apple made some days ago, it looks more like a PDA/Smartphone than phone which is great.

    The Nanos are the best selling mp3 player. They're beautiful and loved by all. Nobody is going to not buy a cell phone because it ''looks too much like a nano'', that will be the reason they DO buy the cell phone.

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  • Erasmus
    Sep 10, 05:39 AM
    OK, Now Apple HAVE to release our precious Mini Mac Pro and put one of these in it!

    Yep, Apple need a smaller Mac Pro with one processor very soon. I think maybe at Macworld, if not sooner?

    Merom is going to stay at about this speed for many years. There are no quad core mobile processors on the Intel Roadmap.
    So when we have 2 core Merom iMacs, which will no doubt last us until Santa Rosa half way through next year, and 8 core Mac Pros with dual Clovertowns, do people not see the slight gap???
    Perfect for a Mini Mac Pro. Or a beefier iMac. But I would prefer the Mini Mac Pro. Then at least the lineup would be 2-4-8 core, instead of pretty much a quadrupling of power in well threaded applications between highest consumer and lowest pro. Now that's just insane.

    So... Merom MBP's on Tuesday or Wednesday. Merom Macbooks in a month. Clovertown Mac Pros and Xserves, PLUS Kentsfield Mini Mac Pro (conroe on all but highest model) all at Macworld 2007. Not too much of a stretch at all, in my opinion, especially when all we are likely to see on the Mac Pros and Xserves is new CPUs dropped in.

    It seems I got my iMac Ultra (in some form) so I'm starting lobbying now on Mini Mac Pro. One Conroe CPU socket, 4 RAM slots, 2 PCI Extreme slots, 2 HDD bays. 600W PSU, and enough cooling to allow us to continue to upgrade parts as long as the socket stays the same, which should be a few years yet.

    annasophia robb wiki. annasophia robb
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  • Dustman
    Apr 15, 07:40 AM
    LOL, and yet you still haven't given any examples.

    Right, and no where was this specified at this point in the conversation. You are simply fitting it in for your argument. FireWire was not mentioned in the original post.

    I knew what article I posted and I knew what it contained and it served its purpose perfectly fine. I don't need to show you who's going to use it because it's going to be native in Ivy Bridge ALONGSIDE USB 3 as the title would suggest. There's no reason NOT to use it as the superior IO and it's already there. This isn't rocket science.

    Wow, what a surprise. The OP decided to choose the route that served him better for the discussion. :rolleyes:

    I explained why ThunderBolt wouldn't be another FireWire. You weren't having it and decided to pull strawman attacks.

    Pointing out spelling errors and telling someone that they belong on the short bus are two different things. :rolleyes: Sounds like you have some self-esteem issues if you feel the need to tell someone they're mentally retarded over an IO discussion.

    Dude, take a chill pill. Your arrogance is making you seem like a 12 year old throwing a temper tantrum.

    I see Thunderbolt starting off strong, but USB 3 taking over and likely showing up on more devices than TB. USB 3 will likely become more popular, but TB is always going to be there as an option. I do not see it being built in to every PC on the market though like USB 3 will.

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  • rmhop81
    Apr 22, 08:26 AM
    I pity the children of the future when I think back to how I am my friends used to swap Video's, CD's and Computer games with each other, as we only had enough Birthday/Christmas money to afford to buy so much, so we had great fun and enjoyment swapping what we had between friends.

    In the same way my elderly mother goes to her weekly meeting and they all bring books they have read in, so others can read their books when they have finished with them. Not everyone can afford to buy new every time.

    you are focusing too much on the physical items. maybe bc i like to live simple/minimal....but nowadays too many people want so many physical possessions. to me, less is more.....

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  • Daghis
    May 3, 12:34 PM
    I just called three local Apple Stores in the Seattle area and not a single one has the new iMacs in stock. Is this happening to everyone else? I really wanted to pick mine up today!
    I stopped by my local Apple store and had a similar experience. Actually, it was a bit worse... they still had the old iMacs out and when I asked about the new ones, I was told "What new iMacs?"

    annasophia robb wiki. AnnaSophia Robb,
  • AnnaSophia Robb,

  • Chris Bangle
    Sep 8, 12:55 PM
    Ok, my prediction:

    New nano will have to have a new name, or more than 4gb in the low end, otherwise it will be available as part of the get a free ipod campaign... i don't think apple will do that. Reminds me of a certain SNL skit.

    or... mb and mbp will be upgraded to C2D... the rebate clearly lists only core duo systems as eligible. then you won't be able to get any free ipods except with a mac pro

    there you have it

    Hope they do rename the nano, nano sounds too commmon these days. everyones got a nano. Go back too mini or someting better, mini sounds awesome, but so does G5. ipod G5 sounds cool as we dont have imac G5's now

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  • scoobydoo99
    Apr 20, 10:07 AM
    Will be interesting to see Apple's response to this. I don't necessarily mind the data being collected for things like find my iPhone and forensics but I'd like it to be very well secured.

    Not sure what you are saying. You don't mind it being collected for forensics, yet you want it to be secured???

    Forensics is the collection of data/information for legal purposes. This often entails surreptitious surveillance or electronic eavesdropping. By definition, the forensic investigation of your personal activities will NOT be "secured." On the contrary, a forensic investigation will seek to either covertly or directly obtain every available piece of personal information stored about you. Whether you are accused of a crime or just being surveilled and whether you are guilty or innocent is irrelevant. The point is, the information is available for anyone to obtain.

    annasophia robb wiki. annasophia robb photos
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  • Crawn2003
    Apr 25, 02:04 AM
    Wirelessly posted (iPhone: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8A293 Safari/6531.22.7)

    Wirelessly posted (iPhone: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8A293 Safari/6531.22.7)

    And then there's a thing called the speed limit. Doesn't matter if she did 45, 55, or 65. She's still in the right.

    You're getting your 16 year old, testosterone panties in a twist yet you admit that you went over the speed limit that you cherish so much by at least 20mph. You admit you (but not in so many words because you have that 16yo complex of I gotta be right) drove recklessly all to teach a lesson that is really not yours to teach. That is for the highway patrol and driving school.

    Regardless of what your inexperienced mind may believe, she was in the right and actually doing nothing wrong. She was traveling the speed limit. She was minding her own business until a little 16yo know-it-all comes along driving with minimum experience and equally inexperienced driver next to him.

    Unfortunate for you this seems to be a running trait in your family. Inexperience. Just because your uncle is a sitting judge doesn't make him a god. On the contrary, he's as idiotic and inexperienced as you.

    Now kid, no matter how much you slap those jaws of yours together you are wrong. We don't care that your mommy was sitting next you or that your uncle is the judge. Go ahead a drive however you want. Frankly I see your kind every day on the road.

    I'm that guy over in the left lane driving 70. I'm that guy you have to race up to and ride my bumper and zoom past me flipping me off.

    But I'm the guy that's laughing at you because honestly at the end of the day, you are just a little 16yo with a giant ego stuck up your rear.

    You're also the guy that will wreck his car because I force you to, and you're also the guy that I will then sue to pay for my deductible and any applicable medical costs. And I'm the guy that will laugh in your face and say "gonna move for me next time?" as I walk out of court and you cut me a check.

    I'm sorry, but if you're the guy that goes 70mph in the fast lane and refuses to move, you are at fault for what ever I chose to dish out to you, for not having the common courtesy to move your car.


    I'm the guy I hope you kill so they put you away where you deserve to be.

    annasophia robb wiki. in character as Bethany in
  • in character as Bethany in

  • ipedro
    Apr 22, 02:41 AM
    I have no idea how this would be useful. Buffer times, connection loss, no WiFi around, these are all problems that will prevent this from working.

    What's wrong with storing music on hard drives locally?

    Buffer times and connection loss could be eliminated as problems very easily:

    When you load a playlist, your iPhone begins to download all the songs immediately in the background. Since a song is only a few megabytes, several songs could be downloaded in the span of one song during playback. These songs are then cached in a pre-determined sized local library and kept there until needed to make room for new incoming songs. A smart system could be employed to determine songs that should be prioritized to be kept in cache based on playcount and other listening patterns.

    In an iPhone with 32GB of flash, a few GB of music could be cached without taking much room yet storing massive amounts of songs without the risk of interruption from slow or loss of connection.

    What I'm looking forward to the most is how this service will work with video. I love Apple's move to a streaming format for tv because downloading and storing movies and tv shows is unsustainable in the long term. Laptops and iOS devices have limited HDD/flash space and it's a complex chore to maintain a video library on an external HDD separate from your iTunes music library. Backing up is also a problem for libraries that can exceed a TB or more.

    Buying the rights to a movie or TV episode is preferable. You can then stream that video to any iTunes enabled device including in a mobile device like an iPad which would otherwise not be able to hold much video because of its limited storage capacity.

    Finally, one important thing to note is that this cloud locker will free one more of the chains that is preventing iPad from becoming autonomous from a computer. With mobileMe taking care of syncing email, address book, iCal, and bookmarks, and now this music locker taking care of granting you access to your entire iTunes library, you won't need to sync an iPad/iPod/iPhone to a Mac or PC again. Poof! There's your wireless syncing that everybody's been clamouring for.

    annasophia robb wiki. Annasophia Robb AnnaSophia
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  • Sweener88
    Sep 13, 08:46 AM
    Remember that these are not "NEW" iPods, Steve said they were just enhancing them so all the people that are upset with the new features and say "they could have updated it anytime" need to realize that its just a small EHANCEMENT nothing new like the nano's. Here's a link to a pic i took that proofs that the letters appear as of 1.2. iv been on so many forms since yesterdays new that I'm not sure if it was this one but someone said that this wasn't part of 1.2 update.

    annasophia robb wiki. Related Links: AnnaSophia Robb
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  • magbarn
    Apr 23, 09:15 AM
    Why? The Intel Integrated 3000 graphics outperform the current Nividia GeForce 320M's found in the current MacBook Airs and outgoing pre-gen MacBook Pro's. So why is an improvement sad?

    God why don't people research, unless apple decides to not skip directly to ivy bridge, you will NOT get the same intel sb igp as the mbp 13, instead you will get one that's at least 20-30% slower. Something's had to give to get the 35w tdp on the sb mbp cpus down to the 25w/17w level.

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  • AnnaSophia Robb 10 images

  • Sabenth
    Aug 23, 05:35 PM
    Cameront9 thats what iam thinking whats this zen gona use that an ipod in its current format dosnt use except wifi and xbox live stuff

    annasophia robb wiki. Annasophia Robb
  • Annasophia Robb

  • MacRumors
    Sep 10, 04:46 AM (

    TG Daily news ( reports that Tom's Hardware will be posting preliminary benchmarks for Intel's upcoming Kenstfield processor on Monday.

    Kentsfield is Intel's next revision of their "Core" processors which was originally scheduled to be released in the 1st Quarter of 2007. According to the article, it is now planned for late 2006 availability.

    Kentsfield is a Quad-core chip and essentially combines two Conroe chips. It is expected to be a Conroe "drop-in" and should work with the same motherboards as Conroe. More details about the chip are expected at the fall Intel Developer Forum ( which takes place between September 26-28 in San Francisco.

    Apple originally used the Core Duo (Yonah) processor in first Intel Macs released in January of 2006. In the past month, Intel introduced the Core 2 Duo Mobile (Merom) and Desktop (Conroe) processors as a successor to the Core Duo (Yonah). Last week, Apple incorporated the Core 2 Duo Mobile (Merom) into the new iMacs ( Apple has not yet utilized the Core 2 Duo Desktop (Conroe) processors for any Macs. Meanwhile, the Mac Pro, introduced in August (, uses the higher-end Xeon (Woodcrest) processor.

    Apple's current line up is as follows:

    Mac mini - Core Duo (Yonah)
    iMac - Core 2 Duo (Merom)
    MacBook - Core Duo (Yonah)*
    MacBook Pro - Core Duo (Yonah)*
    Mac Pro - Xeon (Woodcrest)
    Xserve - Xeon (Woodcrest)

    * Unlike the other models, the MacBook and MacBook Pro have not seen updates ( for 4-5 months. As a result, many are speculating that they will see updates soon.

    annasophia robb wiki. Anna Sophia Robb fühlt sich
  • Anna Sophia Robb fühlt sich

  • madmax_2069
    Oct 27, 02:58 PM
    im all for being green, but i cant stand what greenpeace stands for and there approach on getting people to be treehuggers. your not going to survive being a 100% treehugger in this world today. so i don't understand greenpeace. yea people can be less poluting (like burning trash and stuff) but stuff we cant help (farting) they are getting as bad as the animal rights group, they will let a human die to save a animal. im not going to wreck my car to keep from hitting a animal.

    like what was said before you cant make a computer out of wood and grass. and no im not talking about the case im talking about the internal's. and even tho the case was made by wood people like greenpeace would still complain cause it killed a tree to make

    annasophia robb wiki. AnnaSophia Robb in Bridge to
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  • Vegasman
    Apr 19, 09:18 AM
    LOL even the clock icon look the same, that's just cheap copying.

    10:10 has been the primary way to show time on a static clock and watches for decades. The 10:10 position of the hands is used to highlight the logo which is usually located below the "12".

    I wonder where Apple got the idea from?

    annasophia robb wiki. AnnaSophia Robb and Natalie
  • AnnaSophia Robb and Natalie

  • 1984
    Aug 23, 09:08 PM
    Don't 90% or more of the MP3 players on the market also infringe this patent (including the forthcoming Zune). By making this payout Apple have given Creative the means to fight other companies (such as Microsoft, Sandisk, etc) which could tie them up for years and possibly even delay the launch of Zune. Meanwhile, Apple have their nice license agreement and can continue unabated...

    The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

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  • MacGeek7
    Mar 22, 02:31 PM
    Finally! I've been waiting for an iMac update for awhile and I'm excited to see the potential of Thunderbolt even though the list of devices is relatively short right now.

    Apr 25, 01:42 AM
    OP you seem like you are nothing but spoiled know-it all brat. You probably won't stop until you kill someone on the road. :mad::mad::mad:

    Aug 31, 02:38 PM
    Apple is buying MicroSoft

    Oct 27, 09:03 AM
    Seriously. I mean I support the environment, but I know reactionary sensationalism when I see it. As someone said, Greenpeace has lost most of it's respect, even with the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency).

    i followed you up til you implied that the EPA is some gold standard of environmentalism. talk about an agency/group having lost respect...

    Apr 25, 03:06 AM
    Because I am going to. I'm a completely safe driver (even when doing 90 or above) until I run into some dunderhead who has to enforce the speed limit themselves. Had that woman just moved like everyone else did, I would have never had to cut her off in order to punish her. And yes I did have to punish her, because she needed to be taught her dang place on the road.

    EDIT: @adk - yes I am 16, however in this situation my mother was in the car and actually encouraged me to cut the idiot off. So it's not just an age based thing.

    Okay fine, you're an ******* and your mother's an ******* too.
    Come back and talk to me when you have 5 years under your belt.

    Remember one thing Dmac. YOU ARE A CRAPPY DRIVER and will be consider a crappy driver until you have 5 years under your belt. At that point then we can start judging you on how you drive.
    The studies may say it, but I see plenty of people with over 5 years of experience that still don't know wtf they're doing.
    You deserve a bad rap:rolleyes: There is nothing illegal going 5 under. It is illegal to be going 20 over. If you get caught, that is like an auto revocation of your license to give you an idea how serious it is
    Depends. I've been pulled over for 20+ on the highway and gotten warnings (and sometimes a ticket). Now, do 20 over in a school zone, and you won't get off so easy...
    The simple fact is that I should not have to obey a 70mph speed limit if I don't want to.
    Fine, go over. I do all the time. But remember that you do so at your own risk, and that you need reaction time in case some idiot (i.e. the minivan driver or one such as yourself) doesn't check before changing lanes.

    Why would I even bother driving a car that can hit 186mph (with the speed governor removed, with the governor top speed is 155mph) at 70 mph? A Ford Fiesta can hit those speeds, what's the point of fast cars if you're going to follow the speed limit in them?
    They're called track days. You get to flog a car with little worry about random pedestrians or people being in the wrong lane. And where the **** do you expect to hit anything even close to 155 on a public highway, especially in an area prone to potholes? US Highways are not designed with 100+ in mind, they are not maintained with 100+ in mind, and they are not enforced with 100+ in mind. Also, read this ( TLDR: Guy drives his Enzo on a public road at almost 200mph (the road was closed for a charity event he was participating in). He hits a bump and goes airborne. Smash crash, now he has several broken bones, bruises, and probably surgery on his thumb. And this is in a car that produces north of 500lb of downforce at those speeds (1700lbs at 221mph). Plus, it's built with a carbon fiber survival cell, which an M5 does not have. Keep that in mind before you try to test the limits of a vehicle on public roads.
    I really don't think it is necessary to call me or any member of my family "pathetic." There's nothing wrong with manipulating the system to your advantage, if you do it for a valid purpose (such as teaching a crappy driver a lesson).

    It's completely necessary to call you and your family pathetic. Your mother caused a collision, and then lied about it in court. Now she encourages you to do the same. And OF COURSE there is something wrong with manipulating the system to your advantage, no matter the reason. Plus, that you think having a judge for an uncle gives you sway is incredibly unethical, especially if he does indeed help you out, he would be in violation of the Michigan Code of Judicial Conduct. Specifically: Canon 2
    A Judge Should Avoid Impropriety and the Appearance of Impropriety in All Activities
    A. Public confidence in the judiciary is eroded by irresponsible or improper conduct by judges. A judge must avoid all impropriety and appearance of impropriety. A judge must expect to be the subject of constant public scrutiny. A judge must therefore accept restrictions on conduct that might be viewed as burdensome by the ordinary citizen and should do so freely and willingly.
    B. A judge should respect and observe the law. At all times, the conduct and manner of a judge should promote public confidence in the integrity and impartiality of the judiciary. Without regard to a person's race, gender, or other protected personal characteristic, a judge should treat every person fairly, with courtesy and respect.
    C. A judge should not allow family, social, or other relationships to influence judicial conduct or judgment. A judge should not use the prestige of office to advance personal business interests or those of others. A judge should not appear as a witness in a court proceeding unless subpoenaed.
    Oh, and I have to guess that your uncle is one of these people (,_2010#District_Courts). He's not anonymous, we just don't know which one he is.
    You're also the guy that will wreck his car because I force you to, and you're also the guy that I will then sue to pay for my deductible and any applicable medical costs. And I'm the guy that will laugh in your face and say "gonna move for me next time?" as I walk out of court and you cut me a check.
    I can guarantee you, that if you tried this **** on me. Not only would we BOTH wreck, but you wouldn't even get the chance to sue me.
    Why should I care what people think of me.

    It's generally people with this attitude that have it come around to bite them in the ass.

    I can only say that I hope, when you wreck, you not only kill yourself, but your mother too.

    Aug 31, 04:49 PM
    With the competition getting ready to ship Core 2s I think this is where Apple is going on the 12th. Their inventories will be worked down with back to school buying and they are not going to let the competition get that far ahead of them.

    On the iPod situation, if you are looking at a Palm type enhancement then I think it will be based on a stripped down version of OS X, allowing Apple to do a good job with iCal, some of iLife, Address Book, etc. The benefit of the partial OS X is that 3rd party developers who have come up with some very good apps could migrate them to an iPod version with (hopefully) relative ease. That could generate some excitement in the market that would also leave MS in the dust with their MP3. Could be very interesting - and would also explain the delay in releasing new models.

    On the movie side, I would look for a feature that allows you to move an actual DVD to the video iPod. Would be great for long flights when going on a business trip - especially if you're in cattle car with not enough room to open your notebook.

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