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Sunday, May 8, 2011

amelia warner adam garcia

amelia warner adam garcia. Amelia – DVD-R

  • Amelia – DVD-R

  • vitaboy
    Sep 11, 08:27 PM
    It's news like this that makes you realize, thank God Apple switched to Intel when it did!

    I mean, imagine where we'd be if Steve Jobs didn't have the forsight to develop an Intel version of OS X from the very beginning, 6 years ago?

    We'd be stuck with IBM still trying to put out a 3 GHz G5, and notebooks would still be mired in G4 land.

    It makes you shudder when you think about what might have been....

    But the reality is, Macs are going to be incredibly kick butt scream machines by the time Macworld 2007 rolls around. 2007 looks like it's definitely going to be the year of the Mac!

    amelia warner adam garcia. adam lambert photoshoot
  • adam lambert photoshoot

  • HecubusPro
    Sep 15, 08:37 PM
    Apple being a California based company certainly must know about the new law just signed that prohibits hand held cell phone use while driving a car. (Reasonable law if you ask me) with this new law we can assume the phone will have some kind of "hands free" interface. It would be very hard to sell a high end phone that can't be used in a car in California. Apple must know this, the law has been in the works for some time.

    As a Los Angeles resident, this makes me very happy. I've been following it, and I'm happy Arnold gave it his go-ahead.

    I'm sure Apple will also be selling loads of peripherals including hands free headsets. I have a bluetooth headset and I love it. Anyone who use's cell phones these days and doesn't use a cell phone is an idiot, IMO.

    Want to hear me really rant about this subject, go here...
    EDIT: I took the URL out becuase the link had a naughty word in it (and I don't want to get in trouble :) ). If you're interested in seeing my rant, feel free to PM me.

    amelia warner adam garcia. luis garcia postigo
  • luis garcia postigo

  • retroactiv
    Mar 29, 11:43 AM
    What? I don't get it.

    You cannot CUT and paste in SL, only COPY and paste using the built in OS shortcuts.

    I hate having to open two folders just to drag a file to MOVE it, so I had to pay $4 in the MAC App Store to get that functionality...

    amelia warner adam garcia. by Rodrigo Garcia.
  • by Rodrigo Garcia.

  • macenforcer
    Oct 12, 03:39 PM
    You do realize HIV effects women differently than men? It also effects children differently than adults.

    Do yourself a favor and do a quick google on how much money has been spent on HIV research and prevention for children and women, compare that to men with HIV. Then do a search on children/women with HIV and mortality rates compared to men w/HIV.

    We live in a very sexist society. HIV research was never funded or taken seriously by society at large until heterosexual white men started to develop AIDS.

    Ha ha, You are nuts. Let me tell you how it works.

    Nobody gets rich by curing a disease. That is why diabetes, AIDS, HIV etc are all treated with "Keep you alive but not cure you drugs" that you have to buy for the rest of your life. The government and drug companies are in it together and are pure evil. Ain't nobody going to cure anything unless they can keep making money doing it. Get it? Good.

    amelia warner adam garcia. Amanda Wakeley
  • Amanda Wakeley

  • Piggie
    Apr 22, 05:34 AM
    I'm amazed that no-one is seeing the very dangerous path we could be heading down here. Will people only see it when it's too late?

    Are we looking into the jaws of the future where you pay, but never OWN anything? Music, Movies, Apps.

    You pay to have the right to listen/watch/use the data.

    The data is never downloaded to your device to do as you wish, it's always held by the owners. or distributors.

    I can see this coming like a flashing red warning sign.

    amelia warner adam garcia. 1963 - Travis Tritt is a
  • 1963 - Travis Tritt is a

  • MrNomNoms
    Apr 30, 08:58 PM
    Anger management is a good thing.

    Not that but realising his posts are massively off topic. This article is about the iMac and nothing to do with the operating system itself.

    amelia warner adam garcia. Adam Goldberg Sol
  • Adam Goldberg Sol

  • Groovey
    Oct 27, 06:31 PM
    Thats the difference between the US and UK, we dont have your gun culture:mad:

    But I gotta admit, that was quite a hilarious way to see that sentence. :) Guns or hands, whatever.

    amelia warner adam garcia. your friend sauli and
  • your friend sauli and

  • ghayenga
    Nov 13, 02:41 PM
    If the rules are clearly spelled out and they dont follow them-then they shouldnt be crybabies in public

    The "rules" *aren't* carefully spelled out.

    amelia warner adam garcia. was sauli has heard sauli
  • was sauli has heard sauli

  • CplBadboy
    Apr 30, 01:21 PM
    Really do hope the option of a fully loaded iMac is well specced and not just the inclusion of TB and the processor. For the money Ill be spending Im expecting 8Gb RAM as standard and a rather meaty GPU. Roll on tuesday!

    amelia warner adam garcia. IMDb
  • IMDb

  • dops7107
    Sep 12, 04:49 PM
    They mention battery life, but music is still 20 hours rated, so I think they only list more battery life because they have the "BRIGHTNESS" setting now! ha-ha. So I think my battery is just as good too?

    That's a good point. I thought maybe they put a higher capacity battery in, and I wondered if it could be replaced, but perhaps it is all due to the screen brightness. I thought the most energy sapping thing was the hard drive though, not the display.

    amelia warner adam garcia. work by adam thompson. see
  • work by adam thompson. see

  • Gaelic2
    Mar 22, 01:42 PM
    Still lovin' my 2009 iMac.... best machine I've ever owned.

    I'm with you!This gas been a great computer with few, if any, problems for me. I think I'll wait awhile so they can get HDs at a decent price that can hookup to Thunderbolt. I seem to run quite well at the speed I have now. Any increase wouldn't be noticed since I rarely encode videos.

    amelia warner adam garcia. Nicholas Adam De-Young, 23,
  • Nicholas Adam De-Young, 23,

  • Silencio
    Oct 12, 01:18 PM
    I'll probably come of sounding like a jerk and opening a HUGE can of worms with this, BUT...

    I'm glad somebody else was thinking what I was thinking! Why do we constantly have to place a line between men and women, black and white, American and everyone else. If we actually want equality and unity and all those wonderful things, I think it's about time we stop dilineating between groups of people.

    It can't be both ways... if women/minorities want equality in the work place, or government, or in society as a whole, there can't also be inequality in the world when it comes to things like this... men and women, black and white, straight and gay - they have to be equal across the board, or not at all. We can't have it both ways.

    Maybe because all across the globe, women and children are hugely disadvantaged economically and socially in comparison to men? People who need more help should get more help. People who don't need help shouldn't complain about it. As much as I want it to happen, "equality" is never going to happen in this world, at least the way it's currently structured.

    "Empathy" is a four-letter word in America, sadly.

    amelia warner adam garcia. Amelia hanging out with her
  • Amelia hanging out with her

  • CQd44
    Apr 16, 10:26 PM
    It's something I observed as well. It's an entertaining phenomenon

    Specs only matter if you have them.

    My laptop has USB3, but until I get a USB3 flash drive I don't think it'll ever be used to its fullest. :(

    amelia warner adam garcia. Aaron Adam / Jennifer
  • Aaron Adam / Jennifer

  • Mac Fly (film)
    Oct 12, 03:02 PM

    I've loved anodized aluminum ever since I was a kid. I always really loved the vibrance anodization gave to colors, don't know really why. In a way it's just something that always kinda made perfect sense to me.

    amelia warner adam garcia. National Lampoon#39;s Adam and
  • National Lampoon#39;s Adam and

  • RichP
    Sep 10, 08:06 AM
    Clovertown +Adobe CS3 + Leopard = My credit card go boom!

    Coming spring 2007...

    Seriously, I am suprised these chips are pin-compatible with the Conroe, which is pin compatible with some P4s. Seems like the next REAL boost in intel performance will be the summer of when the next-gen chipsets and such are released. (as previously posted)

    amelia warner adam garcia. Andy Garcia
  • Andy Garcia

  • dernhelm
    Sep 10, 04:53 PM
    Apple, please,


    A small yet powerful Mac. But this this at a REASONABLE price, to be a best-seller.


    Put a Conroe processor in a midrange headless system, and you'll have what the cube was supposed to be. The problem is that Apple just finished rationalizing a minimized line. To add something else into their lineup makes for all kinds of headaches.

    Low-end (headless) - mac mini
    Mid-range (all-in-one) - iMac
    High-end (headless) - mac pro
    Server room (headless) - xserve

    In order to rationalize another product line in the mid-range (pro-sumer?) market, I think they'll need to focus it on some other feature that people need. Dropping the cube back out there just cannibalizes sales of existing product, if you are not careful with it.

    Apple does not seem to believe that there is some large contingent of people who want a mid-range system that would prefer it not to have a monitor. I, however, think they are wrong, and they are missing a large segment of people who are willing to pay top dollar for a high-end well-designed machine. That market is the one for the high-end gamer.

    Apple absolutely could produce a great machine aimed at high-end gamers. Produce a super-cool design aimed at that segment. Make it BTO with multiple upgradable graphics cards, fast bus speeds, fast ram, RAID 0, etc. They could leave off FW800, Bluetooth (most wireless gamer mice don't use it), and some of the other connectivity options that high-end gamers could care less about (modems, etc). Put the Conroe processors in there and crank them up as high as you can. The high end system could be liquid cooled, we already know apple can do that when needed. Most games are still not threaded all that well - but an MT OpenGL also couldn't hurt...

    They could also Pre-install boot-camp as a BTO option. We all know any serious gamer is going to want windows installed - so just prep them for it. It wouldn't surprise me to see many more people buying macs to run windows on in the near future anyway.

    There isn't any reason why such a machine couldn't look like the "cube" I suppose, but I'd probably prefer to see something different. The cube had a different design goal and has too much baggage associated with it anyway.

    amelia warner adam garcia. Movies: Amelia Crashes, Dafoe
  • Movies: Amelia Crashes, Dafoe

  • aurichie
    Mar 29, 11:49 AM
    When Windows starts to come close to SL in terms of ease of use and functionality let me know ;)

    Windows is as easy to use as SL. I'd say in terms of functionality Windows beats SL hands down. But most Apple fans idea of functionality in Windows is complexity and they prefer the dumbed down Mac operating system.

    When I start using Mac OS X 2 years ago, it took me two solid months to get used to its ways. I can tell you, when I started out, I would not have described Apple's operating system as easy to use. Now I'm competent using two operating systems, and can appreciate the strengths and weaknesses of both. Neither are very difficult to use if you apply yourself to learning, but you have to put in the time to take full advantage of either one of them.

    amelia warner adam garcia. Will you be trekking to the
  • Will you be trekking to the

  • jwdsail
    Mar 23, 04:43 PM
    These congress critters do remember that they swore an oath ... right? Something like..

    "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States."

    Strange how gutless, worthless hypocrites on both sides of the political spectrum only do so when it's convenient to their corporate and special interest masters.. otherwise, they all seem to get off on using it like toilet paper.

    These apps, and the data they distribute, are protected speech. Period. I just hope Apple has the guts to tell these schmucks to f-off.

    I guess the good news is that these schmucks have already solved the energy crisis, the 2, no I'm sorry, 3, wars we're in, unemployment, the decline of the US in basic education.... They must have, to be wasting our time (yes our time, they work for us) on this BS.

    amelia warner adam garcia. imagery in adam jacono#39;s
  • imagery in adam jacono#39;s

  • blahblah100
    Mar 30, 01:39 PM
    Amen, brother... M$ wants to have it their way but not allow anyone else to do the same.

    Care to explain how App�� differs?

    Sep 15, 07:22 PM
    $599...I would expect at least 8GB, likely 16GB or a HDD (ala Nokia) to make that worth that price point for me ($1000 AUD roughly). Also video playback.

    Did you see any PDA phone couldnt play video? $599 actually is a very low price. Many high-end PDA phones are selling close to $1000 even without a hard drive.
    BTW, $1000 aud is $755 USD

    Sep 18, 12:43 AM
    I'm sure I late getting into the argument, and that fanboyism depending on what network youre own will not change, but I really think GSM does have better voice quality than any other network.

    Apr 25, 01:50 PM
    Absolutely perfect design? Not even close.

    Things apple needs to do to make a better MBP with a redesign:

    MUST DO:

    (1) IPS screen. I actually don't mind lower resolutions on small screens (1280x800 is fine for 13.3"), but please, please give me a real IPS panel.

    what is the point of an IPS screen with a low resolution? IPS is good for viewing angles but people rarely look at a laptop from extreme viewing angles. the color and contrast on the current mbp screen are pretty good right now.

    Sep 26, 02:30 PM
    Hey I'm satisfied with my carrier. I think the last time I had any problems with coverage was back in the 20th century. I've got coverage even in the freaking underground. I'd have coverage in the middle of wilderness if I chose to go there. It's cheap as well, I never pay incoming calls, my phone has never been locked and it works pretty much all over the world, my operator has had packet data connection most of this century as well and 3g for several years. What more could I wish?

    I guess you are a lucky dude!

    Apr 4, 12:38 PM
    Had this security guard done nothing and instead hide in a corner somewhere like most of you would, I could only imagine some of the comments you guys would post.

    security guards in general get so much heat from the general population. Armed guards are there to protect life and property. they don't respond like they should in these situations, they aren't doing their job. Most guards, don't do their job and this is why they get ridiculed. this guard does his job and you get people saying things like "security guards shouldn't carry guns, OMG"

    Rent-a-cops have guns? And shoot people IN THE HEAD? I'm amazed.

    pretty amazing huh? I use to do armed security. Sometimes when I do duty without a gun, I'd get all kinds of wise-ass side remarks about being a rent a cop. when I carried my gun, I got nothing but respect. the "rent-a-cop" remarks stopped. or maybe they just said it very low so I couldn't hear. Not sure why, I am not going to shoot anyone for an insult :D

    and yes, if my life or those I am working to protect are threatened by you, this "rent-a-cop" would shoot you in order to save my life or those around me. No questions asked.

    How sad,
    I mean a person lost his life because of his actions, and the guard now has to live with the fact that he took a life.
    when you take your permit to carry a gun, they make it a point NOT to get your permit if you are not emotionally capable of handling taking someone's life. You don't wear a gun for show, you wear it for protection. if you come from the mentality that you could never shoot someone, even if your own life or those around you in is in danger, then leave your gun at home and pick a different job.

    I'm sorry but those guys deserved it. Why should the mall guard have to wait until his life in in danger before putting someone else's life in danger?
    it's the law, otherwise you open up yourself to be thrown in jail or face a civil lawsuit. the judge has to see that without a reasonable doubt, your life was in danger and you did what was needed in order to protect it or protect the life of those around you.

    it's a judgement call you have to make and sometimes it's not an easy one to make because there are so many variables. Having an adrenaline rush and chaos all around you, makes it very easy to make mistakes. such as shooting a suspect as he is running away. missing shots and hitting bystanders. Pulling the trigger preemptively and killing someone without a "real" threat.

    the messed part is that armed security guards, don't get the same type of protection police get. Had this been a police shooting, I bet half of these responses would be different.

    amelia warner adam garcia Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: admin