I'm sorry for such light posting over the last few weeks! Thank you for continuing to visit the blog, you hardcore bloggers! :)
I've been tremendously busy behind the scenes fulfilling orders and being a wife during this lovely warm and dry Oregon summer. Can you believe it is already August? I got painfully sick mid-late July and was being treated for that, which contributed to the trickle of posts, and now Matt and I are in the middle of planning our exotic second honeymoon. We haven't had a chance to really get away since our honeymoon. We always say we will, but end of cancelling and sticking closer to home because I'm so busy with work. I think we deserve to escape for a week, don't you?
Well, I'm sure you are sick of my Gilt Groupe posts about now, but I just wanted to post my recent steals. I love this festive Marc by Marc Jacobs dress I nabbed yesterday (on its way as I type):

I was thinking it would be good for wearing on the plane and during our long layovers (since we are going to get the cheapest airfare possible)... roll it up and shove into a suitcase afterwards. Plus, Matt won't be able to lose me since it is so "loud".

I also got this pair of tarte cheek stains. I always wanted these, but never wanted to fork over the $. :) I think these would be great while we travel too... easy to apply and so fresh looking.
So what was the total damage? Well, the dress retailed for near $300 and the cheek stains retailed for $56. I'm thinking of pairing the dress with my previous shoe purchase which retailed for nearly $700. So total retail for the outfit and makeup was supposed to be about $1050. What did I pay out of pocket with the Gilt discounts and credits (thank you lovely readers and shoppers for signing up through my link)? Drumroll.......
$43! Yeah, now you're thinking, why didn't I check it out? If you're interested, you can sign-up HERE.
Happy bargain hunting!