I'm so sorry if anyone hopped over to my online shop over the weekend and didn't see anything there. I just found out late last night that something with my host company changed and for some strange reason, my shop disappeared. Anyhow, all is fixed now, but the url is different so update your bookmarks. :)
To shop right now at Twigs & Honey click HERE (twigsandhoney.com/catalog).
This week, I need to send my camera in for repairs, so expect to see lesser quality photos for a couple weeks. I'm so sad. :*(
AND! I'm not totally sure what they will use, but if you happen to watch the Early Show on CBS tomorrow (Wednesday from 7-9am), look out to see if you see some Twigs & Honey pieces. They chose this one and this one. Crossing my fingers.
Oh! And I thought I'd post a few photos I recently received from Loren, a lovely bride I worked with over a year ago now. Time flies! Congratulations, Loren and hubby!