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Monday, May 16, 2011

vintage american flag shirt

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  • White Vintage American Flag

  • dextertangocci
    Sep 26, 09:44 AM
    Will it still work in South Africa???

    I hope so....

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  • Vintage American Legion

  • MacRumors
    Sep 1, 11:35 AM (

    Reports that Apple will be hosting a special media event on September 12th began emerging yesterday ( According to multiple reports, Apple will be hosting the event in San Francisco which will be also streamed live to London.

    MacOSXRumors now claims ( that Apple will be revamping the iMac line with the new Core 2 Duo (Merom) processor at this event, with the additional introduction of a 23" iMac.

    Larger iMac form-factor rumors were amongst the reject rumors ( for pre-WWDC rumors. MacOSXRumors, however, cites "reliable sources" for this report and did have some accurate predictions ( for Leopard (virtual desktops, tabbed iChat).

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  • topshop denim american flag

  • toddybody
    Apr 30, 08:06 PM
    not as cpu/gpu demanding

    Compared to what?

    Its MUCH more "cpu/gpu" demanding than say

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  • 80s American Flag Shirt

  • muncyweb
    Mar 23, 06:45 PM
    I started doing like this guy ( a while back when a revenue officer started hiding in a church parking lot near my house. As soon as the "Speed Trap Ahead" sign went up in my yard, what-d-ya-know! more sirens! If the people will make this their responsibility, it will no longer be as profitable for them.

    vintage american flag shirt. Heartbreaker American Flag Tee
  • Heartbreaker American Flag Tee

  • mcmadhatter
    Sep 12, 02:11 PM
    I hope Apple releases an iPod software update so those of us who already own 5th generation iPods can take advantage of all these new features.

    so do I, because I bought a game thinking it would work with my 5th generation ipod and it doesn't :(

    vintage american flag shirt. Sky blue Vintage American Flag
  • Sky blue Vintage American Flag

  • LagunaSol
    Apr 19, 11:00 PM
    So the Beatles didn't use an Apple? And Woolworths Australia does? Don't be so biased.

    I never said Apple going after Woolworths for their logo was a good move.

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  • American Apparel shirt

  • iStudentUK
    Mar 29, 11:53 AM
    Since 1984:
    Cmd-X = Cut
    Cmd-C = Copy
    Cmd-V = Paste

    Grab will snap a picture of a window, the entire screen etc. There is also print to PDF.

    I'm pretty sure he was referring to cut and paste in finder and "windows snap" is where you can snap two windows side by side easily- it is a great feature in W7 and I hope Apple incorporate it in some way.

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  • American flag t shirt by Old

  • deputy_doofy
    Sep 14, 09:34 AM
    Admittedly, I am definitely waiting for the C2D, but I am joking in this particular thread. It's always possible they could release it, but it's not likely. I didn't expect any computer upgrades at the iPod/iTunes show either.

    The most I use photo stuff is connect my gf's camera to my powerbook and steal.... *ahem*, I mean, archive.... her pictures. :D

    vintage american flag shirt. Vintage American Flag
  • Vintage American Flag

  • WannaGoMac
    Apr 11, 07:45 AM
    Been wanting this for a while. I have a windows PC just doing nothing, if I can turn it into an Airport Express like device, can have music going throughout the house.

    I am confused. If your Mac is networked, why not just share your music folder on your network so any computer etc can play the music from the shared music folder on the mac?

    vintage american flag shirt. Search: White
  • Search: White

  • bitWrangler
    Mar 30, 11:38 AM
    I would think that the decision isn't necessarily the "generic-ness" of the term "App Store", rather the real test (IMHO IANAL) is the pervasiveness of the term before Apple decided to brand their product as such. While it may be simple to say "well heck, it's an app store, of course they'd call it the app store". One could argue that apps (short for applications) has been around forever. The word "store" and it's meaning as well. However, given that the two terms are common and the function of the store is not unique, that no one up until this point has used the term generically (note use of the term, not necessarily that someone has actually tried to apply it to a business) shows that the combination of the two terms in this context is indeed unique.

    At least that would be my argument :)

    vintage american flag shirt. Vintage+american+flag+
  • Vintage+american+flag+

  • shecky
    Sep 14, 09:51 AM
    You guys are just delusional at this point.

    MBP C2D IS going to happen. sometime between now and (for example) a year from now. saying "there is no way they will get announced on the 24th becuase its a photo event" is quite simply ignorant. it most certainly MAY happn, and the other machines that were released at the last photo event as mentioned above proove there is even a precident for it happening. i personally think its seems reasonably likely it will happen on the 24th, tho i would not bet on it.

    edit: removal of an uneccesary comment

    vintage american flag shirt. American Flag T-Shirt
  • American Flag T-Shirt

  • KnightWRX
    Mar 30, 01:32 PM
    As posted above, "RoomStore" is trademarked, however.

    As posted above, "RoomStore" doesn't sell rooms.

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  • Vintage+american+flag+

  • Peace
    Sep 2, 08:53 PM
    ....but can't find anywhere hard evidence for September 12. Macbidouille is referencing conformation from sources, but don't have a date. Hardmac has a copy of a meeting invite for the 19th. So, will there be a September 12 meeting? I really hope so, as I will be in Vegas that day, and don't mind to pick up some stuff at the Apple store. :)

    It's not just you..

    I have pointed to the MacNN confirmation of an Apple event on Sept.14th several times.

    From MacNN :
    "In brief: Apple has confirmed plans to hold a special event on September 14, coinciding with rumors of an Apple movie store launch in that time period...."

    This is the ONLY confirmation from Apple to any online site I know of.

    vintage american flag shirt. Search: Natural
  • Search: Natural

  • Fraaaa
    Apr 22, 11:58 AM
    Are there any Thuderbolt devices yet?

    Only some storage devices are rolling out.

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  • vintage usa flag shirt

  • lifeinhd
    Mar 23, 06:59 PM
    Just downloaded both mentioned in the article, thanks for the heads-up MR.

    Typical, guilty until proven innocent, isn't that always the way.

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  • American vintage shirt | Find

  • tsugaru
    Mar 22, 03:28 PM
    Sounds like you'd be interested in a nice Windows7 machine. Enjoy. :rolleyes:

    Why would he? Just because he wants a 24"?

    Physically, compared to the 27, it's not much smaller due to the aspect ratio. The resolution on the 27 is the only real improvement.

    I recall when the 21.5 and 27's came out and people were up in arms for Apple going to 16:9 displays when they had traditionally stayed with 'regular' PC resolutions.

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  • white vintage shirt - black

  • miketcool
    Sep 15, 07:26 PM
    why is the US so far behind Europe with this kind of technology?

    (edit: maybe it isn't i haven't shopped for a phone in nearly a year)

    GPS, whay arent you accurate? Oh right, security issues....

    Higher resolution cameras are a security problem for the time being.

    vintage american flag shirt. Search: Ash
  • Search: Ash

  • srxtr
    Mar 23, 05:44 PM
    You should tell that to my son. Oh wait, you can't, he was murdered someone like you.

    Is that really true? A drunk driver killed your son?

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  • American Flag American Girl

  • Ktulu
    Sep 5, 07:27 AM
    No, don't be so silly or literal. PS3 dollars are the money people have dedicated to buy the PS3 -- the defacto "big ticket" item this year. Apple needs a product that will compete for that money...and press converage. Everyone and their mother got an iPod last year. Apple needs to pull a fresh product out of Jobs pocket; not a storage bump or new skins for the nano. THAT is what I'm saying.

    Thank you. I didn't mean to sound silly or literal. When I read your original post, that is how I interpreted it....sorry, it was late for me and I was tired.:D

    Oct 27, 11:12 AM
    ... If Greenpeace gets reprimanded, so should every other vendor who strays from their booth.


    Apr 22, 11:35 AM
    It should be a dual-core Llano, not Sandy Bridge.

    Mar 23, 05:58 PM
    I actually agree. Pull 'em. It may be censorship, but it's dangerous not to.

    Seems to me if it's NOT censorship to prohibit yelling "fire" in a crowded theatre, it shouldn't be censorship to ban yelling "DUI stop" on the crowded highways we stage our lives on daily (see what I did there?). ;)

    I say pull the apps.

    Doesn't matter what party a senator is from , they are all liars and cheats.

    Gosh, maybe we should ban stereotyping, too. :)

    May 3, 11:56 AM
    This from Intel's Technology Brief on Thunderbolt Technology:

    Users can add high-performance features to
    their PC over a cable, daisy chaining one after another, up to a total
    of 7 devices, 1 or 2 of which can be high-resolution DisplayPort
    v1.1a displays (depending on the controller configuration in the host

    So does this mean 3 external monitors once we can daisy chain? (I'm assuming one is the internal display.)

    Aug 28, 05:10 PM
    Only if you buy the machine but don't open the box (unless you're willing to pay a 10% restocking fee). And that's only if you get the standard config, no custom BTO. Plus if you order it, you'll pay shipping back to them.

    Actually NONE of the pc companies have made the transition. They haven't shipped a single machine with the new chips, just made announcements of shipments days or weeks away (and that was just earlier today...even if apple was behind, they'd only be hours behind, not even a full day). Right now apple is only behind in press releases, which has nothing to do with being ready to adapt to an intel platform. Now ranting about PC companies that haven't shipped the new machines yet...THAT is ridiculous.

    I also think (this is my personal opinion, is not based on facts but just my impression) that apple has more "intense" followers than HP o Dell. Apple fans are always waiting for the latest and greatest from apple. They talk about new products making all kinds of speculation and rumors. (just like this thread)

    While HP and Dell (gateway, toshiba etc) dont seem to have people as excited about their new product releases. They can say, in two weeks we will release this laptop with this processor and no one really cares as much as if apple would make the same statement.

    These companies just sell appliances. People who are in the market for a windows based PC/laptop just look at what is currently available and buy what fufills their needs. Then they forget about HP (or any other manufacturer) until is time to replace their equipment.

    But then again I may be wrong.

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