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Monday, May 16, 2011

printable 2011 calendar uk

printable 2011 calendar uk. 2011 calendar uk printable.

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  • TheKrillr
    Sep 5, 05:47 PM
    NOW you're on to something.Let's expand on that ;)

    Where is the video out from the airport going to go ? The TV of course!


    Why not just make a Mini type box with 802.11n with DVI/HDMI/S-Video and Digital/Analog out ports.Connect that to the tv then stream from your computer or the movie store.While we're at it toss a hefty HD in the mini for recording.

    It's much more convenient too.Just sit on the couch and surf Front Row for movies then buy it and send it to the tv.POW! one step..

    Apple IS about ease of use..

    Why is everyone obsessed with 802.11n? Unless apple can work magic, N is nowhere NEAR ready for primetime. 802.11g is fine. 54Mbps theoretical, at long range you still get around 11Mbps... and the TV content is only .75Mbps, and i'm estimating the movie content to max out around 3Mbps. Thats sitll plenty o' bandwidth.

    printable 2011 calendar uk. printable calendar 2011 uk
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  • Ktulu
    Sep 5, 07:27 AM
    No, don't be so silly or literal. PS3 dollars are the money people have dedicated to buy the PS3 -- the defacto "big ticket" item this year. Apple needs a product that will compete for that money...and press converage. Everyone and their mother got an iPod last year. Apple needs to pull a fresh product out of Jobs pocket; not a storage bump or new skins for the nano. THAT is what I'm saying.

    Thank you. I didn't mean to sound silly or literal. When I read your original post, that is how I interpreted it....sorry, it was late for me and I was tired.:D

    printable 2011 calendar uk. 2011 calendar template uk.
  • 2011 calendar template uk.

  • john1620b
    May 3, 10:14 AM
    Sweet...wish there were two Thunderbolt ports on the 21.5-inch as well.

    printable 2011 calendar uk. printable calendar 2011 uk.
  • printable calendar 2011 uk.

  • emaja
    Apr 22, 03:38 AM
    This would be a really cool thing if they allow you to stream to your iPhone and use it with an iPhone compatible head unit in your car. That way I could carry some music on my iPhone for listening in the car and if I got bored with what I had or just wanted something different, I could stream from this cloud-based service.

    There are a few head units that allow you to stream Pandora from your iPhone through your car stereo. Why not have your whole library like that?

    printable 2011 calendar uk. june 2011 calendar uk.
  • june 2011 calendar uk.

  • Multimedia
    Sep 12, 06:32 PM
    What does this mean for the long-rumored widescreen ipod? Are they saving the new samsung 120gig drives for that? Will they wait until the hype dies down then hit it hard with the new 6g ipod like last year? Personally I like the updates, better battery, brighter screen, gapless playback(!), more storage. I just don't want to buy this and then have an uber ipod out in a month's time...Keep Your Powder Dry. It's coming. When we don't know. But no doubt on the way.

    printable 2011 calendar uk. Printable+2011+calendar+uk
  • Printable+2011+calendar+uk

  • jsw
    Oct 28, 07:35 PM
    I'm not going to wade through all of the posts here and delete another few dozen off-topic ones, but it's clear that this thread is incapable of staying on-topic, which is a requirement in the news forums, and so it's being closed.

    printable 2011 calendar uk. A6 2010 printable calendar uk
  • A6 2010 printable calendar uk

  • muxbox
    Nov 13, 03:35 PM
    Apple set up a review process to control the quality of the apps hitting the app store.

    Then they fill it with junk anyway.

    We have tried to create a serious simple life tool called VoCal - Voice Calendar and after months of silly standards from apple, and review rules that make it hard for us to provide a good service to our customers, not to mention the length of time to get an app reviewed, we have decided to pull 90% of our efforts away from Apple development and work on the Windows Platform where freedom is the key. We will launch our new innovative software for windows gamers very soon.

    Yes it was nice of Apple to invite us to create apps and they have shared the wealth of the success but the amount of frustration at the review process and Apples non common sensical rules have never helped. Their ability to make people jump the queues in both reviews and in ordering tickets to the events were the final straw for us.

    Apple make gorgeous products yet working with them can be an ugly experience.

    printable 2011 calendar uk. printable 2011 calendar
  • printable 2011 calendar

  • cozmot
    Mar 18, 12:00 AM
    The Safari exploit launched a Mac OSX program. How is that NOT an "OS" issue? The exploit could have just as easily told the Mac to delete a directory on the hard drive, for instance. So it's not just Safari that's an issue but the fact that OSX would let Safari execute a program outside the browser.

    I'd like to know where this idea that "many have tried" to create viruses and/or malware for OSX comes from. How do you know what people have done or tried? I'm not saying Unix is easy to exploit, but I know darn well it's not invulnerable. If they held an OS hacking event with a prize, I'm sure someone would prove my point for me.

    And this idea that nothing can be done on the Mac until a virus or other malware exploit shows up on a news site is absurd. There are plenty of tools out there, for instance, to point out dangerous web sites that could be a threat to a computer. Most OSX users wouldn't bother to install one if one was offered to them because they believe themselves invulnerable. So why worry about visiting a malware site? Some exploits are potentially cross-platform (adobe flash, for example). Again, I say most OSX users are far too comfortable in a foolish belief that they are not in danger from anything out there.

    Before I could even get to this, cwt1nospam and GGJstudios jumped on it. I'll add that a Safari exploit just can't take over an OS X system. It can do some minor things, but doesn't give admin or root access to the OS.

    You nervous Windows users -- and you have every right to be -- are used to exploits commandeering your computers. It's your every day reality. For Mac users, it doesn't happen. Never has. But to characterize us as engaging in "foolish belief" that we're not in danger out there is a false argument.

    Rather than go through the laborious repeat of my earlier post to you, please re-read it. Mac users don't deny the dangers. Unlike Windows users we're just not lulled into installing expensive, beastly software that drags our systems down that gives us a false sense of security that we're safe and protected. Most exploits come from unsafe computing, including the incomplete list I assembled above. Mac users don't take this dope, and have clearer minds about the proper steps to protect their systems.

    I have multiple lines of defense built up against attackers using malware, viruses, worms, Trojan Horses and the like. It starts with the firewall in my wireless router, OpenDNS, safe practices and other methods I've learned from Mac and other forums.

    I have never experienced a hack, a virus, a worm, a Trojan Horse or any other exploit in over 20 years because of this. And in the next 20 I will not either, because I'll keep learning and building up my defenses, without wasting a dollar on beastly software that gives me a false sense of security and relieves me of my responsibility for safe computing.

    printable 2011 calendar uk. june 2011 calendar uk.
  • june 2011 calendar uk.

  • holycat
    Sep 14, 08:21 AM
    New version of Aperture!.. Saweeet

    or more likely a new Apple iSLR

    16 Megapixels
    full frame sensor
    Adaptive lens mount supports all Canon and Nikon Lenses
    60gb removeable 1.8" hard drive
    3" OLED screen
    Shoots in a new Apple RAW format
    eye tracking for focus
    Spot metering
    1/8000 shutter with 150,000 shutter life
    Full weather sealing
    Magnesium body
    6fps (up to 25 raw frames)
    Depth of Field Preview
    Pop up flash
    802.11 Wifi
    GPS built in
    Optional Battery Grip
    Scrollwheel navigation for menu system
    Apple iScreen Digital Image processor
    64 Segment Metering and Spot Metering
    Supports Compact Flash

    if this is the case...i would rob the buy that new iCamera!:D :D :D :D :D :D

    printable 2011 calendar uk. 2011 calendar uk printable.
  • 2011 calendar uk printable.

  • Fast Shadow
    Apr 25, 04:00 PM
    I really can't say enough good things about my new MBP 17. If next year brings a redesign then it will need to be one hell of an improvement to get me to switch, because this thing has impressed me so much more than I expected.

    printable 2011 calendar uk. 2011 calendar uk printable.
  • 2011 calendar uk printable.

  • danielwsmithee
    Apr 25, 02:55 PM
    Those who don't want the superdrive have the option of an air. People in the music industry will always have a use for CD's. I just think no superdrive makes it an air varient not a pro.The optical drive doesn't make it "Pro" it makes it "outdated" and "unnecessary." If you need an optical drive by an external one, there is no need to hold up the majority that never use them.

    printable 2011 calendar uk. january 2011 calendar uk.
  • january 2011 calendar uk.

  • glis
    Apr 25, 02:04 PM
    The new Macbook Pro will be released in October/November 2011.

    printable 2011 calendar uk. june 2011 calendar uk.
  • june 2011 calendar uk.

  • Multimedia
    Sep 14, 10:53 AM
    Most likely. I'm not a betting person, but Apple usually rolls out new pro machines during these types of events and what better way to show off the MBPs running C2D than a demonstration of Aperture 2.0. :)Yeah I agree. This is likely the time and place for the MBP C2D - Finally.

    printable 2011 calendar uk. january 2011 calendar uk.
  • january 2011 calendar uk.

  • Piggie
    Apr 15, 02:40 PM
    You have to admit this thread is really funny.

    How many times have we heard Apple lovers say it's not all about "specs" and the general public are not interested in "specs" and rubbish others when they say how much better spec their PC might be.

    And yet, now that Apple has the high specs, all of a sudden THIS IS the most important thing.

    No average consumer is ever going to notice the difference between USB3 and Thunderbolt, in fact USB3 will be better for the general user experience as it's backwards compatible.

    But now, sod the typical consumer, the only thing that matters now is specs.

    Oh, you have to laugh don't you :D

    printable 2011 calendar uk. 2011 calendar uk holidays.
  • 2011 calendar uk holidays.

  • munkery
    Jan 13, 12:59 PM
    Not if you have UAC set correctly, although unfortunately it was weakened by default in 7, because of whining.

    Explain how to set UAC up correctly to eliminate that issue with online games?

    "Run as Administrator" sets the application to run with Superuser privileges. Turning UAC off sets the Admin account to run as Superuser without authentication so same security as XP.

    That's not true. Actually last year Apple's overtook Oracle for the most security vulnerabilities. It just isn't worth as much to develop for.

    Because the cumulative vulnerabilities of third party software such as Flash, Java, and etc included by default in Mac OS X inflate the count for Apple. Vulnerabilities are attributed to the vendor if included by default. Most of these third party softwares have worse security in Windows.

    What type of vulnerabilities? Most vulnerabilities for any OS are not privilege escalation. Privilege escalation is rare for OSX.

    Were they exploitable? Not all vulnerabilities are exploitable (~25%).

    printable 2011 calendar uk. april 2011 calendar uk.
  • april 2011 calendar uk.

  • miles01110
    Apr 20, 12:55 PM
    Innocent until proven guilty ... what happend to that? You cant just claim 'Apple has a centralized database with all your location information' when the only thing that is know is that it is stored locally on your device.
    Well it's a good thing that's not what I claimed, isn't it then?

    Just claiming a stupid thing and say it is true until you prove it's wrong does not work. There is no evidence whatsoever that it is stored somewhere else.

    Did you even read the post I was responding to? I made no claim other than it is impossible to say whether or not the data is stored somewhere else unless you have some sort of evidence to suggest that it isn't. Since it's on an Apple (a company that's all about data collection) device and the data itself isn't particularly useful stored locally, it's not unreasonable to guess that it is indeed being stored somewhere else.

    printable 2011 calendar uk. 2011 printable calendar uk
  • 2011 printable calendar uk

  • PerfectlyFlawed
    Oct 27, 02:47 PM
    why are they mad about getting kicked out. I'm not to favorable of enviromentalists, but I'll admit they're good cause if it weren't for them we probably would screw up alot of stuff, they keep it evened out, but still they're at a computer convention they should be greatful they were even allowed to have a booth at all, they should have abided by the contract.

    printable 2011 calendar uk. june 2011 calendar uk.
  • june 2011 calendar uk.

  • Mac Fly (film)
    Oct 12, 03:02 PM

    I've loved anodized aluminum ever since I was a kid. I always really loved the vibrance anodization gave to colors, don't know really why. In a way it's just something that always kinda made perfect sense to me.

    printable 2011 calendar uk. printable calendar templates
  • printable calendar templates

  • hipeye01
    May 4, 02:04 PM
    Do any of these suits ever actually get resolved?
    yes they do. For good or ill, more conflicts are being mediated out of court. This saves taxpayer money:), but also prevents case law from being made, leaving judges without precedent to refer to in other cases:(

    Sep 14, 02:44 AM
    Just release te phone already. How hard can it be???
    I dont care if the design looks like the old Nano. I just want a Nano with phone capabilities.

    Apr 17, 01:06 AM
    why would I want to pay someone $17 an hour to a job a monkey is almost qualified to do? Sounds like an opportunity to hire less people, or jack my prices up. A job is worth simply what a job is worth. Period. If I'm trying to offer services at competitive prices, and someone is willing to bag groceries for $3 an hour, then they should be ALLOWED to. Rather than me just choose to hire nobody and using automated checkouts.

    What happens then? More people find jobs, and prices go down. $3 dollars suddenly buys you a subway sandwich. # of consumers goes up bc more people are employed, which brings in more revenue, causes more hiring etc.

    Also, people who do want to make $10 bucks an hour are forced to either be productive or learn something useful, which is good for everyone, plus that $10 is worth more now bc of deflation. Deflation would also drive interest rates on loans down bc the money you pay back is worth more.

    Best case scenario, taxes are low at this point, and the government isn't a handout machine, so people feel the need to donate to an EFFICIENT charity. Rather than to the government, which is the most inefficient entity on the planet.

    Overall result: More buying power, lower unemployment, more substantial and efficient charity, more innovation.

    OR we can take away every incentive to be productive (France) and have a GDP smaller than the interest payments on the national debt (France in 2020)

    I'd say since the high point of post WWII, we as a society in the U.S. have done our best to eradicate The New Deal and move back to reaching for magnificant wealth while screwing each other over.?

    really? we've been getting LESS progressive since the new deal? I was under the impression that our government is GIGANTIC and tries to babysit us at every turn while simultaneously urinating on the constitution

    No kidding right?

    My buddy and I went boarding 2 days ago and he dislocated his finger (looked bad as it was all bent funny)

    Anyways, took him to the clinic and was charged 1300 bucks to put it back into place and he doesnt have health insurance

    Heaven forbid one needs surgery or broke a leg or anything more than dislocating a finger....would need a few million stashed away

    Or perhaps a steady job mingled in with some tort reform, or a private charity willing to foot the bill if he were unemployed.

    However, I don't know if boarding is the best option when you're unemployed

    The more paranoid might suggest that oil companies are collaborating with auto makers and the government to keep efficiency as low as they can get away with. Remember, the record for fuel economy was set in the mid 70s in a slightly modified Opel: something like 237 miles on a gallon (US) of gasoline. Highly idealized conditions no doubt, but my goodness, the average automobile today should be at least a third of the way there.

    US government regulations for increasing gas efficiency has resulted in car companies making vehicles lighter at rate beyond evolving the technology to maintain safety, which has resulted in an average of 10,000 avoidable deaths per year since the early 70's

    But hey, maybe that fraction of environmental impact we have that's causing that fraction of a global degree change might have been marginally altered. Maybe. And it's only cost us ~300,000 lives so far. Thank you government! Just tack that onto the millions you killed by restricting DDT use, and you can further brag about your death toll

    What is this supposed to show? That US corporations are more profitable? Is that a good thing? For whom?

    Stock owners in these companies. Which are made up of middle class citizens

    Ridiculous? Not quite, from the parent's perspective.

    In Canada we have 12 months maternity leave, which can be taken by either spouse, or split, 6 months/6 months.

    Yeah man, one of my biggest incentives to put my money on the line and open a small business is that I have the opportunity to pay someone to not work for a year.

    Or maybe in that transaction I'll get to use the government as a middle man via taxes, and I'll end up spending %30 more in order to maintain its inefficiency

    Aug 23, 06:51 PM
    It's not...the press release says that Apple can recoup some of the money if Creative is able to license the patent to other companies.
    I found that very part of the settlement very puzzling. If anything, you'd think Apple should be able to recoup som of the money if Creative isn't able to license the patent to other companies that infringe on the same patent, as it would show that Creative doesn't have a legal leg to stand on.

    Sep 26, 02:11 PM
    This is fine. I'm sick of those cripplers at Verizon.

    Yeah - if Verizon didn't have the most comprehensive coverage and good customer service I'd go back to T-mobile. I'll never own a bluetooth phone from Verizon, that's for sure...

    Aug 23, 04:42 PM
    $100 million? Yikes. :eek:

    Yup. how much does Jobs saying "Creative is very fortunate to have been granted this early patent" say to you? Pissed off is the roundabout answer!

    printable 2011 calendar uk Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: admin